Thursday, October 31, 2013
Here's to a safe, fun and Happy Halloween!
to all and to all a good night
Sweet Dreams & Be Evil!
The Happy Handicap
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Separation Anxiety: Do you have it?
Today, we look at the last three verses of Ephesians Chapter 5 verses
31-33. It goes like this: "For this cause shall a man leave his father
and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one
flesh. This is a great MYSTERY: but I speak concerning Christ and the
church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife
even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband."
When I got married, I had separation anxiety from my parents. I thought it was because I am an only child but Sydnee did the same thing. The feelings were not so much anxiety as they were a longing to be with my parents. The bond was and still is extremely strong! I've always wondered why the scriptures don't say "For this cause shall a woman leave her father and mother...". Do you have any thoughts on this? I'd love to hear them. I think maybe it's because the husband is the head of the house and the covering for the family unit. Guys, did you know that God holds you responsible for the family unit as the head of the household? Morally and spiritually? We become bone of your bone, not the other way around!
Again, in these verses we are told how marriage is a great mystery. I will never understand how a true marriage takes place in a couple of minutes. It is still a mystery to me. Marriage is a replica of the love and acceptance of Christ for us and vice versa. The same mystery happens when Christ proposes to us and we accept his spirit in marriage for an eternity. This change happens in a split second! Marriage is also a great way to solidify eternal salvation. When you marry someone, you can't unwed them. Sure, you can get a divorce on paper or an annulment from the court system but you will never change the fact that you were married to that person, it is eternal. Christ's salvation is the same way. Once you truly accept Christ as your Savior, you can't undo that acceptance. You can live poorly by physically disobeying his word, you can forsake the church, you can try to avoid God every way possible but it will not change the fact that you are his! If you truly accepted his spiritual grace, you can't get a divorce or annulment. You can sure create some separation anxiety though...
Chris Gregory, a friend of mine and Steve's sent a comment last week which is an excellent visual of salvation. He said "Jesus knew for a fact that I didn't deserve his love, but He opened the door for me anyway! By His sacrifice, the door of eternal life was opened for me. I stood at the door for 37 years, and for 37 years, Jesus patiently held the door and waited for me to enter." Isn't that just like a husband? Steve patiently opens doors for me to lumber up to and through! My Dad (pictured) has been holding doors for my Mom (pictured) for 55 years! Whether you accepted Christ long ago or are still standing outside the door waiting to walk over the threshold, Jesus has the door open just for you. Unlike a honeymoon, where the husband carries you across the threshold, in your union with Christ, you must step over the threshold into grace and mercy. In a physical marriage, the husband traditionally carries you one time in the beginning. In a spiritual marriage, Jesus carries you all the time even until the end.
Enjoying Holy Matrimony,
The Happy Handicap
I welcome all comments or thoughts...
When I got married, I had separation anxiety from my parents. I thought it was because I am an only child but Sydnee did the same thing. The feelings were not so much anxiety as they were a longing to be with my parents. The bond was and still is extremely strong! I've always wondered why the scriptures don't say "For this cause shall a woman leave her father and mother...". Do you have any thoughts on this? I'd love to hear them. I think maybe it's because the husband is the head of the house and the covering for the family unit. Guys, did you know that God holds you responsible for the family unit as the head of the household? Morally and spiritually? We become bone of your bone, not the other way around!
Again, in these verses we are told how marriage is a great mystery. I will never understand how a true marriage takes place in a couple of minutes. It is still a mystery to me. Marriage is a replica of the love and acceptance of Christ for us and vice versa. The same mystery happens when Christ proposes to us and we accept his spirit in marriage for an eternity. This change happens in a split second! Marriage is also a great way to solidify eternal salvation. When you marry someone, you can't unwed them. Sure, you can get a divorce on paper or an annulment from the court system but you will never change the fact that you were married to that person, it is eternal. Christ's salvation is the same way. Once you truly accept Christ as your Savior, you can't undo that acceptance. You can live poorly by physically disobeying his word, you can forsake the church, you can try to avoid God every way possible but it will not change the fact that you are his! If you truly accepted his spiritual grace, you can't get a divorce or annulment. You can sure create some separation anxiety though...
Chris Gregory, a friend of mine and Steve's sent a comment last week which is an excellent visual of salvation. He said "Jesus knew for a fact that I didn't deserve his love, but He opened the door for me anyway! By His sacrifice, the door of eternal life was opened for me. I stood at the door for 37 years, and for 37 years, Jesus patiently held the door and waited for me to enter." Isn't that just like a husband? Steve patiently opens doors for me to lumber up to and through! My Dad (pictured) has been holding doors for my Mom (pictured) for 55 years! Whether you accepted Christ long ago or are still standing outside the door waiting to walk over the threshold, Jesus has the door open just for you. Unlike a honeymoon, where the husband carries you across the threshold, in your union with Christ, you must step over the threshold into grace and mercy. In a physical marriage, the husband traditionally carries you one time in the beginning. In a spiritual marriage, Jesus carries you all the time even until the end.
Enjoying Holy Matrimony,
The Happy Handicap
I welcome all comments or thoughts...
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Last Minute Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas
My favorite homemade Halloween costume ever...
and yes, this is me!
as Genie Simmons
picked up all this stuff at a local charity and made this get-up
My 2nd best favorite
again, made from items picked up from a local charity
When I arrived at our yearly family Halloween party
my nephew was surprisingly dressed as
Yukon Cornelius from Rudolph!
One year I was Bo-Peep
my Mom made the outfit with fabric from Walmart
My son-in-law and my daughter were
Beetlejuice and his wife
His outfit is bought but her dress is from a local charity
She made her bangs from the ends of her long hair
by sweeping it over her head (genius)
The next year I was Bo-Peep's sheep! lol
my husband was a farmer...
the couple again
as a sexy devil and the
Phantom of the Opera
My younger daughter as a cop
I made both of these outfits by
simply sewing together 1 yard of
knit material and
cinching the bust
Can you tell we really get into Halloween?
The time of year where we can really be ourselves! lol
I made this Puss-in-Boots from a piece of printed fabric
that I made minimal seams in and
added a cat pouch or belly in the front!
as a playboy bunny
again homemade
Do you recognize the other character?
A few from this year 2013
not homemade!
Ever seen a pregnant fairy?
Now you have!!!
You've also found Waldo!
Just a little fun for Halloween
Hope these pics gave you some ideas
for a few costumes that can be
made last minute
with a few charity items
and some ingenuity!
The Happy Handicap
Leave me a comment and tell me what your favorite costume ever is, homemade or bought?
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Are Men Lovers?
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Steve & me on our wedding day! |
Welcome to the 2nd week of "A Great Mystery." Last week I shared my thoughts on Ephesians verses 22-24. This week let's delve into 25-30. The verses read as follows: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body.
Why do you think husbands were instructed to love their wives? Love in a marriage should be second-nature, shouldn't it? Men are protectors and providers, not lovers. Just for clarification purposes, love and sex are not synonymous. Unlike a woman, love is not constantly in a man's mind! Husbands are given a specific example of how to love wives. They are instructed to love with a "supreme, sacrificial, blameless" love just as Christ loves the church.
If a husband loves his wife like Jesus loves the church, she will be the most beautiful thing in his life. Christ gave his life for the church just as a husband devotes his life to his wife. I believe a certain cleansing happens through the marriage ceremony within a new union. The woman becomes holy by becoming a wife, selected by the man who loves her. This "setting apart and joining" of two bodies from the single world into matrimony is a beautiful picture of Christ and his Church. When a husband looks at his wife he sees perfection in every way because he selected her and she accepted him. He views her as innocent, not finding fault, not accusing or assigning guilt. Another beautiful picture of the forgiveness of Christ!
Okay, I'm going to say it! Men are self-absorbed. That's why they don't have babies, not designed for it. Husbands can understand the example of loving their wives as their own bodies. If you can love yourself, you can love a wife. Verse 29 proves that everyone loves themselves "no one ever hated their own body." It also proves that men are protectors and providers saying "they feed and care for their body." As believers are members of the body of Christ, a wife becomes a member of the body of her husband. Husbands know how to care for themselves and can bestow the same love and protection upon their wives.
Guys, if you can get these verses right, your wife will submit and subject herself to you without hesitation! And on the flip side, ladies, if you can submit and subject yourself to your husband, he'll have an easier time loving you!
Feeling the husband love,
The Happy Handicap
Thanks for all the communication last week. Let me know how you feel about these verses too! Leave me a comment...
Monday, October 21, 2013
5 Travel Games for Seniors
Last weekend, on a quick trip to Cape San Blas Florida
I suddenly realized my husband and I are getting old
This stark realization happened while riding around the state
I turned to Steve and said,
"We're riding around like OLD people!"
Later that evening this post came to me
somewhat witty, somewhat humurous
kinda scary but absolutely true!
When physical activity gets limited by
sheer "I've-earned-this-tude" and/or achy bones,
you gotta try
5 Travel Games for Seniors
Bird Spotting
Bird spotting as opposed to bird watching
We saw this awesome group of rare white pelicans
too far off the road for my iphone camera
but interesting to see none-the-less
we also spotted a bald eagle
Name your Distance
Akin to "Name that Tune" but different
Not sure if bladders shrink and colons expand
when getting older but I do know
these sign become very important
There is a definite sport in naming whether you
can make it to the next one or
"We need to STOP NOW!"
Unexpected Photo Bombing
You can see some interesting things on a state highway
things you need a picture for, like, say....a blog.
We actually stopped for these and just
look how they turned out.
We couldn't manage this again if we tried
I also challenge you to make the passenger
mirror on your car look like mine!
Me and garage doors play games sometimes
and they always win...
What's your pressure?
We stayed with my in-laws and
noticing a blood pressure monitor on the table
I challenged them to a "What's your pressure?" game
Seniors are touchy about their pressures
The rules: Take BP no more than two times
Choose the lower of the two for your number
Take BP pills, add 10 points to your top number
Don't take BP pills, subtract 10 points
No, don't really add or subtract
but this could be a really interesting game
Vary it with your temperature, your blood sugar, reading an eye chart
you get the picture...
Are you Braver than a 5th Grader?
Every time I pulled into a property
(we were looking at lots for sale)
that had a "No Trespassing" sign on it
I thought Steve would have a heart attack's possible!
I kept saying "I'm not trespassing, I'm looking!"
There is a difference.
We had a great short trip to the Cape
Try 5 Travel Games for Seniors
on your next outing and let me know the results!
Hope your trips are as adventurous
and fun as ours always are.
Lovin' these games,
The Happy Handicap
Do you have any fun games to add to this list? Leave them in the comments!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
What's a Blogiversary?
What is a blogiversary?
It's a celebration of a blog's founding!
Better question is
Who's having one?
that's who!
The Pin Junkie is all about
the crafts, recipes, and home improvement projects
I do that are inspired by Pinterest!
Celebrate with us and join the party.
Please visit a few of these blogs to stop by and say hello!
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Link Party Rules
The rules for this
link party are easy!
Here's what you need to know:
Here's what you need to know:
1. Please follow your
host & co-hosts!
2. Link back to this
party in some way.
3. Link up something YOU made - it can be a
craft, recipe, or project as long as YOU made it. (No giveaways,
contests, or link parties please).
4. Link directly to a specific post - not your main
blog (Keep it family friendly, please)
5. Show some love by visiting some of the other links
and HAVE FUN!Wednesday, October 16, 2013
The 2 S's of a Wife; what are they?
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
Trey and Sydnee
October 16, 2013
October 16, 2013
what are they?
Submission & Subjection
please read on...
please read on...
The next couple of weeks I'll be sharing my thoughts on Ephesians 5:22-33 concerning marriage. Today, let's start with verses 22-24 which reads; Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
The definition of submit in this context is to accept or yield to the will of another person. God didn't give wives instructions to love their husbands because he knew that would be easy for them. He designed women inherently for love and care, as a help meet. He created women to love and for love. An example of this is childbirth, great pain + new baby = unending love! Ladies, our husband are the head of our households and we should let them be. I know what you're thinking. He doesn't accept responsibility, he's lazy, he doesn't know how to do anything, he can't make decisions, he don't have any common sense, how can I submit to that? Yeah, maybe but you have to understand his role in the union.
Genesis 3:23 tells us man was banished from the Garden of Eden to till the ground because he listened to his wife and ate from the wrong tree. I'm not trying to be funny here, this is scripture! This incident plainly shows us how our roles get turned upside down and what happens as a consequence. Men are single-minded because that's how God created them, to dress and tend the garden. For example, how do you plant a garden? In several single steps, right? Till the ground, drop the seed, cover the seed, no compound tasks! Have you ever noticed how annoyed your husband becomes if you ask him to stop what he's doing and do something else? It's the way he was designed! Understand him and submit to it. It'll make your union so much stronger. You aren't submitting to Christ if you aren't submitting to your husband.
Your husband is also your protector as Christ is the savior of the world. Your husband's job is to save and protect you, keep you from harm. Does Christ save everyone? Everyone that will let him. Can your husband protect you? If you will let him but don't be encouraging him to eat bad fruit! I bet your husband gives you a hundred subtle tips a week to help you and most of the time you shrug him off. Are you guilty? I am! When I don't listen and find myself in need of Steve's help, I hear him, in my head, warning me about the thing I just did and what would happen. Do you know anyone else who guides your life in the same manner? Are you understanding verse 24 yet? Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Being subject unto your husband allows two things to happen in your marriage; encourages your husband to accept his leadership role in the home and keeps wives out of trouble. When you are subject to Christ, you feel good inside because you know you have pleased him. Be subject to your husband for once and please him!
Of course, for all this to work correctly as God intended there are instructions for the husband also. We will cover some of those next week. There is so much in Ephesians 5 it's difficult to shorten and contain to a brief space. Read it for yourself, examine yourself and submit to it's teachings.
The Happy Handicap
Friday, October 11, 2013
My Random Thoughts on Happiness
Happiness is....
Listening to classical music
...especially when my daughter plays
My Dad sitting high and comfy on a tractor like
Oliver Wendell Douglas...
The beautiful view from my front porch...
Hermie, my long-haired Dachshund with a buzz cut...
anticipating my first grandchild in november 2013...
lots and lots of things make me happy
for a sadly, incomplete list
of my random thoughts on happiness...
check out my "happiness is" page!
The Happy Handicap
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- Separation Anxiety: Do you have it?
- Last Minute Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas
- Are Men Lovers?
- 5 Travel Games for Seniors
- What's a Blogiversary?
- The 2 S's of a Wife; what are they?
- My Random Thoughts on Happiness
- Can Cabbage help Control Anger?
- Squash Spaghetti or Spaghetti Squash?
- God gave me a Gift