Friday, July 24, 2020

Black Bean Quesadilla - Low Carb

black bean quesadilla
 (12 net carbs per quesadilla)
Recipe makes one quesadilla

1/4 cup black bean, rinsed and drained
1 Tbsp. green pepper, chopped
2 Tbsp. onion, chopped
1/4 cup Mexican blend shredded cheese
1/4 cup Ole mild queso cheese dip
1/4 cup tomatoes, chopped
1/2 cup romaine lettuce, chopped
1 Ole low carb quesadilla wrap

Heat an iron skillet to medium high. Lay out flat one low carb quesadilla. Place beans on one side of quesadilla. Leave enough room to flip over to close. Sprinkle green pepper, shredded cheese and one tbsp. onion onto the black beans. Close quesadilla matching the ends as closely as possible. Spray Pam or any non-stick spray into your hot iron skillet. Transfer your closed quesadilla to the skillet. Spray the quesadilla with Pam. Brown the under side. Carefully place a spatula under the open side and roll over slowly, backward, in the pan. This backward movement instead of flipping allows the ingredients to stay inside the quesadilla. If you try to flip, it will spill. Brown the under side. Once browned, remove quesadilla and place onto a plate. Microwave the cheese dip for one minute. Pour over quesadilla. Top with tomatoes, lettuce and remaining onion. Enjoy!

Below are the items I use to make these delicious, super quick and easy, quesadillas. They are a real family pleasing lunch or dinner. My daughter Sloane brought this recipe to me from college. I've made it ever since, about eight years now. Please comment to tell me how much you love them! 

black bean quesadillablack bean quesadilla

black bean quesadillablack bean quesadilla
