Wednesday, July 23, 2014

5 Divine Facts about Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg, along with some Harvard friends, wrote and launched the software for Facebook in 2004 for colleges. By 2006, any person age 13 or older with a valid email address was invited to join. Facebook started a social media craze around the world.

Can we really give Zuckerberg all the credit for creating social networking? I think not!
  1. Social networking began with one man and twelve disciples! Those twelve men shared with their friends. Some gave their message a like and others couldn't wait to comment
  2. The coolest thing about being part of Jesus' network is he will never "unfriend" you or hide you from his newsfeed. With Jesus, we are always "Linked In"!
  3. The message of Jesus is so popular the thread has been going for over 2000 years. Oh, he got pinned a lot...with nails! 
  4. His message  over 50 characters is an absolute must retweet. If we don't, the blue bird will certainly tweet about him. 
  5. I am particularly glad I'm part of the G+ network. I've got God + Jesus + the Holy Spirit.
Do you have a You Tube Channel? I challenge you to create a video with your testimony to share with the world. You can watch mine here. Send me your link to star in an upcoming newsletter. Yes, I'm convinced that God is the original creator of social networking. He's got his own personal way of keeping up with memberships called the Book of Life. He writes down every name that accepts his friend request. That may be considered a little old school for today's times. I've been talking to him about upgrading  or writing his own software similar to Facebook. He's thinking about calling his Faithbook.

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The Happy Handicap

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Acupuncture: Proven Treatment for 8 Common Disorders

I developed a severe case of vertigo or dizziness in 2010. My ENT doctor prescribed Meclizine and Prednisone. Meclizine helped for a few hours at a time. The Prednisone caused heart palpitations. My skeptism of prescription meds made me discontinue the steroid. I could not figure out how a steroid addressed my complaint of vertigo. Without the meclizine, my vertigo was ever present. Frustrated, I located an acupuncturist in my area at The YinYang House. Three treatments with needles CURED my vertigo. I continue to receive regular treatments, four years later, from Chad J. Dupuis, L.Ac enjoying the continued health benefits of acupuncture.

This is not hearsay. I have received effective proven treatment for these 8 common disorders:

  1. Sinus Inflammation. I have lots of allergies. My sinus passages used to swell enough to block my nose breathing daily. Acupuncture alleviates sinus swelling and restores free breathing. 
  2. Kidney Stone. Acupuncture helped me pass a 7 mm kidney stone, avoiding lithotripsy surgery for the fourth time was one of the best days of my life.
  3. Sciatica. I have experienced nerve pain on my left side for years caused by my birth defect. Acupuncture helped to completely resolve my sciatica. I would be remiss not to mention I also use chiropractic to complement acupuncture for this problem. However, I went to a chiropractor for years without total resolution.
  4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Regular treatment controls my IBS symptoms of cramps, gas, pain and alternating diarrhea/constipation. Now I experience IBS flare-ups occasionally, maybe every 4 to 6 months. The duration of flare-ups have shortened considerably, 3 to 5 days opposed to 2 weeks.
  5.  Anxiety. Acupuncture cured my anxiety! I tried meditation, herbs, exercise and lots of self-heal techniques without success. I was able to quit an anxiety drug I took for almost 2 years after receiving acupuncture.
  6. Vertigo. Completely cured of vertigo as shared above.
  7. Rotator Cuff Injury. The joyous birth of my first grandchild also birthed me a shoulder injury from holding her SO much! My fault totally. I'm happy to report my shoulder is completely healed and I'm still holding that precious baby girl.
  8. General Well Being. These days I go to acupuncture to maintain my general well-being. The treatments just make me feel good. No, I'm not some kind of needle fanatic that enjoys pain. I hate pain! I love acupuncture!
If you suffer from any of these disorders, please give acupuncture a try. Be sure to check back next Tuesday, I will answer some frequently asked questions about acupuncture. People are generally interested in acupuncture and want to talk about it, if you can get past the crazy looks you're given before the curiosity kicks in!

Trusting the needles,
The Happy Handicap

Monday, July 21, 2014

Mom-ism Monday #12: Flattery or not?

Today's "ism" comes from my late father-in-law Claude. He was a looker at 86 years old when he passed away. He still had a head full of thick whitish gray hair and his face was that of a 50-year-old. I'm not sure how he hid the wear and tear of 86 years behind an almost wrinkle-less facade but he mastered it. Here's a picture of my in-laws in their younger years. Beautiful couple.

Claude was a quiet guy who enjoyed fishing. I remember him as friendly with a keen knowledge of life that he didn't readily share. I know I aggravated him asking so many questions. He intrigued me. I tried my best to uncover more about him than he wanted to tell. We lovingly call him "Pop".

His sense of humor was offhandedly funny. He used analogies to get his point across. One such analogy he made served him well. His five sons still use it today. The smart quip is being handed down into the third generation of his family.

When Claude wanted to refer to someone or something as big or large, he said....

"If you were a catfish, you'd be a keeper!"

Anyone who knows how to fish understands what he means. The reason for catching catfish used to be to eat. You needed a pretty big catfish to filet without bones. Some states probably have regulations on the keeper size of a catfish.

A "keeper" catfish is a good thing!

This "ism" may be something you'd like to adopt to reference size instead of some of the less attractive words of today. I like to think of the term as kinda flattering or a positive negative!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

5 No-Nos that are Generally Accepted

What is a no-no? The word "No" defined by Webster is a negative response. So "no-no" is a double negative or twice as negative as one no. In other words, a no-no is a worse degree of no. In our society today, I'm not sure the no even means no anymore. It may mean yes or maybe or I'm not sure. But to me, it still means flat out no, never, ain't happening, you can't make me!

This morning I was thinking about a few things that I believe are "no-nos" that are generally accepted by the majority of the American population. I'm sharing them with you. Leave me a comment whether you agree or disagree with my 5 No-nos that are generally accepted:
  1. Dye your hair. Dyeing includes coloring, frosting or highlighting. My daughters and I have virgin hair. Eventually, we will have a natural highlight and color. Gray.
  2. Overeat. I have less discipline with this one. I hate the feeling of being overfull. Overeating poses all kinds of chronic disease threats.
  3. Buy on Credit. Several years of concentrated effort alleviated my frivolous credit habits. Yes, I still use credit cards but very carefully paying off the total amount due each month or using only with a strict repayment plan with little to no interest incurred.
  4. Think of yourself first. People are so self-serving these days. Thinking of others before yourself, I believe, is a parents number 1 job. I pray my husband and I have taught our children to put others first, themselves last.
  5. Electronic Devices for Kids. Our eldest child got a cell phone when she started driving for safety reasons. Her younger sister got one at the same time for communication purposes. Sydnee was Sloane's chauffeur for us. I think cell phones should be illegal for anyone under 16 years old. My thoughts on other electronic devices...I attended a Boys Choir Performance in May where I witnessed a 10 year-old boy play the same video game on an iPad continuously for two hours while his parents watched the performance. What was wrong with him watching the performance? Electronic devices should not be used as baby sitters.
I'm continually amazed at how much society has changed, not evolved, but changed since I was a kid. Most no-nos that are generally accepted should be shunned. Don't forget to comment and let me know where you stand on these subjects. Are they no-nos?

Probably not acceptable,
The Happy Handicap

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Epparksford: Our Madeup Language - For Mature Audiences Only

We've been using this 'word of the day' for 25 years. Sydnee turned 26 years old this month. She was a beautiful baby. She has not grown out of it. She's grown into more beauty as she's aged. And don't get me started on how much she's blossomed since becoming a mom herself.
As a baby, she did everything a little late. Cut her first tooth at 12 months, walked at 13 months and was always slightly under percentile on the growth chart.
Her first word was tractor at the age of 12 months. So unexpected! We were in the barn looking at her Pa's tractors. Her Dad said the word and she repeated it. From that moment, she tried to say every word her Dad and I said. She pronounced tractor perfectly. One word she couldn't pronounce was "hotdog". I'm almost ashamed I fed her hotdogs. They were healthier in 1989, right?  The way she said hotdog was so cute and so funny we still use it today. Are you ready? Please don't take this the wrong way. She was 12 months old when she made up this word innocently. She named a hotdog....


Cockdogs are still one of her favorite foods today. You may never look at a hotdog the same way again. Every time me and her Dad says cockdog, we see a darling baby girl with kinky curly locks wobbling around in a diaper and small t-shirt. She pulls up on the refrigerator door, turns to us on her knees, points and says cockdog? asking if she can have one. We understood her precious language. Still do! 

Love is a language,
The Happy Handicap