Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Why is my Kitchen Tile turning Black?

my mop is my enemy
the only reason it would sing
"Baby Come Back"
is because I haven't held it in my hands for over a month.

Do I look like this when I mop?
I don't look like this on Sunday
or any day of the week.
I don't relieve stress by mopping

Today, when I felt embarassed
to put off mopping any longer,
I was shocked by this...
Why is my kitchen tile turning black?
Can you see the discoloration of those two tiles?
Am I in a horror movie?
the black menace is creeping closer by the minute!

Long story short
The tile was installed this summer
Old fridge was moved out
then moved back.
 Copper water line for ice maker
in tiny streams behind the fridge!
Wet the tile, the sub-floor and the crawlspace.

(that's a little french word I picked up in Paris)
didn't this just happen in our laundry room
with a washing machine line?

Shew! Such a relief to know
our house is not haunted
and Steve and I can exorcise
this one.

Side note:
When this tile was first installed
I hated that it turned black
when water set on it.
(piece of ice out of the fridge or pet accident)
I'm happy it does,
So thankful!
avoided a potentially big MOLD problem.

Seeing a rainbow in black tiles,
The Happy Handicap

 Do you usually need a plumber at your house? Go ahead, let off the pressure and tell me about it!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Life is my Niche

 what's your niche?
 Life is my niche
 crazy question
what else?
little details that make life better
 Handicap don't define me
happy does
Broken wings refines things
our song plays on
long after we're gone.
wish i had these
where would they carry me?
into these?
dead end.
all paths don't lead to heaven
 just more sore feet...

Never niche-less,
The Happy Handicap

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Co-hosting "Mom's Monday Mingle"

Guess what?
I'm so excited to be co-hosting Mom's Monday Mingle
with Julie & Jessica!
Be sure to link up with us...

1. Please FOLLOW each hostess (They are 1-8 in the link up)
2. Leave a comment if you are new and want us to return the follow.
3. Grab the button and display it on your sidebar or link it to the post.
4. Have fun and meet new friends!
Signature2 Black Dots page break divider

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Dearest Award

I can't remember being awarded anything...EV-VER! Imagine my surprise when I received a tweet asking me if I had checked my blog comments. My first reaction (truthfully) was "What a pushy commenter!" I was busy at the moment but the more I thought about it, I just had to look. My opinion immediately changed about this particular comment. I soon thought "What a Sweetheart!"

An overwhelming thanks to sweet Alma at A Conquered Mess who nominated me for the Liebster Award. She is a beginner blogger like me. She amazes me with her goals setting, aspiring to be an RN and to run miles & miles. Looking for quality deets about parenting how-to's, sewing, hiking, laughing or lots of other things dealing with everyday life from a mom of two boys, she's your go-to girl.
I am cheesing while accepting this award. The rules for accepting the award are simple:
1. Link back to the one who nominates you
2. Answer the 10 questions the nominator has for you
3. Nominate 5-11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees
5. Notify your nominees 
The questions Alma asked me are the following:

1. What do you hope to achieve with your blog? Definitely a voice! I would love for folks to enjoy reading my heart splashed on a page and maybe pick up some inspiration or a bit of knowledge from my blog.
 2. If you could have any job in the world, which one would you want? I visited London this summer and was intrigued by the Monarchy. Queen of England, if but for a day, seems like an awesome occupation! I would love to get my hands on those Crown Jewels I stood in line for two hours to see.

3. If your life were a movie, what would it be called? The Odd Life of The Happy Handicap

4. What was your most prized possession as a child, as a teenager, and now?As a child, my red Huffy bicycle my Dad taught me to ride and take care of. As a teen, my pink Huffy 10-speed I bought myself with money earned from cleaning my Grandpa's house. Now? I don't have any possessions I prize. I've learned love is the most valuable thing anyone can have and it's not really a possession because it's free.
5. Who do you admire the most? My family. My husband Steve. Daughters Sydnee and Sloane. My son-in-law Trey. My Mom Juanita and Dad Clyde. I'm expecting my first grandchild in November 2013. She'll probably be the one I admire the most ;)
6. If there were a holiday in your honor, what would it celebrate? People who don't stare.
7. What is in your purse right now? Tell me EVERYTHING! Not much! A "31" cloth wallet with the usuals, a coordinating "31" manicure set, a couple of ink pens, allergy pills and a Klonopin...all in a "31" bag!

9. If you were a color, what color would you be and why? I would probably be green. Green is full of life, a neutral that agrees with everything, bold and firm.
10. What do you like the least about yourself? That I refuse to sell myself. I'm just me, the way God designed me. So much to offer and it's free but I have a hard time making myself jump through the hoop to get center ring in the circus!
My nominees are:

Heather @ The Frill of Life
Shelly @ Minettes Maze
Andrea @ Cloud Nine Chic
Nicki @ Sweet Parrish Place
These talented ladies keep me up at night, literally, reading their blogs. Do yourself a favor and check them out! You'll learn all kinds of tips and maybe even some tricks. You can put some frill in your life, have fun baking, lose yourself in a maze, see how a loved garden looks, ride on a cloud, have champagne dreams and talk about it all the time! You gotta love these blogs, show them by visiting and commenting.
Here's your questions:
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. If you won the Powerball Lottery, what would you do with the money?
3. How did you meet your spouse?If unmarried, how do you dream of meeting them?
4. Which do you like best? Bake, Broil or Fry and Why?
5. Do you have a pet?
6. How often do you rearrange your furniture?
7. What is your favorite beverage?
9. Describe a self-portrait you would paint. What does it look like?
10. What's the best vacation you've ever taken?
Ready, set, go! Answers away!

Please consider joining my site or clicking my social buttons to follow...

Still reeling from the awkward award feeling,
The Happy Handicap

Thursday, September 12, 2013

6 Hugs Short Girls Appreciate

short people got reason
short person alert
yeah, that's me
2nd from the left
my height causes my dislike of hugs
tall men with big hairy bellies
I hate my face being buried in this
no, my drool is not from your exquisiteness
and let's not mention large breasts
laying on the top of my head
now you appreciate my dilemma?

6 Hugs Short Girls Appreciate

1. The CYBERHUG where arm length or height isn't a problem
2. The SIDEWAYS hug with a clean, nice-smelling armpit
(that's me and my hubby)

3. The HANDSHAKE hug I can just kinda lean into.
Handshakes keeps me off of breasts & bellies.

4. The EUROPEAN KISS/HUG: fast in and out x 2
 only one cheek kiss if I'm lucky

5. The SON-IN-LAW hug...
it better be quick!

6. The COME TO MOMMA hug
I have no idea who this chest belongs to
but put that surf board down and
get on over here

I said "Come to Momma",
The Happy Handicap

What type of hugs do you prefer? Leave me a comment and let's compare notes.