Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Duty of Church

Why do you attend church? Because your parents taught you to go? Because it makes you an upstanding citizen? Because it's the "right" thing to do?...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Top 10 Things I Learned in London

First of all, I don't purpose vacations to learn. But, if you travel to a foreign country and don't bloody learn something, you're pretty sad! Here's...

Monday, July 8, 2013

We Came, We Saw! Day 1 & 2 of London & Paris...

Here we go...London skyline at sunset We left the ATL around 9:30 pm on Saturday June 29 arriving in London around 11:00 am on Sunday June 30. After...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Kids speak Wisdom!

Sunday School Photo Day at FBCC 2013 (that's me back there in the purple and my daughter beside me)! We love these chitlins! This past Sunday...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Why I want to be called "Grandmom"!

Feast your eyes on these precious red patent shoes! I'm anxiously awaiting my first grandchild in November. Those beauties belong to her!!! I knew...