Posts with the label tips
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2014

My "Go-to" Savings Store

A new store is quickly becoming a favorite for my "go-to" savings store! Saving money is a fun game I like to play. Recently, on a trip to this store for essentials I saved almost as much as I bought. My purchase total was $14.31 including tax and my savings were....

My "Go-to" Savings Store

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Easy Gluten-free Chicken Noodle Soup

My favorite Gluten-free Chicken Noodle Soup is now yours to pin and enjoy! Easy to make and delicious to eat with only 8 easy-to-find ingredients. The soup is gluten and egg-free. Here's a quick visual of what you will need:

Easy Gluten-free Chicken Noodle Soup

Monday, January 20, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

5 Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine Quickly

My head hurts! While I slept last night a 14,325 pound African Elephant crawled through my ear. This morning he's being chased by a lion with his enormous feet pounding as he runs. Oh wait, Horton just stopped at a river. What's he doing? Spraying water from his trunk right behind my pupils making my eyes run like a faucet. My teeth feel like they were a stage for his Riverdance audition! Is it a migraine? If it's not, it's real close.

According to WebMD, migraine symptoms include a pounding headache, nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. They can also include visual disturbances referred to as auras. It is estimated some 45 million people suffer from this type of headache. I have been diagnosed with a migraine including all the symptoms and visual problems. A migraine headache is quite disturbing. How to get rid of a migraine quickly is a hot topic for good reason.

Here's 5 Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine Quickly:

1. Tap away a migraine with EFT. My daughter uses this. I've seen it work very effectively and quickly.

2. Take Feverfew at the first sign of headache. Feverfew can also be taken every day to help prevent migraine attacks. I've personally used this and it works! Please use my referral code 2926490 if you decide to purchase from Nature's Sunshine via the link. Stock up and keep them on-hand.

3. From my daughter's facebook page. She's not put this remedy to the test but I'm impressed she shared it.

4.  Do reflexology on your feet to relieve a migraine. I L.O.V.E reflexology because it works wonders for many illnesses/disorders. Easy to do on yourself and FREE!

5.  Nutritionists and doctors are taking note of our diets more these days and so should we! I get House Calls from Dr. Hyman (not real ones). I subscribe. You can too! 5 Steps to Solve Your Migraines was especially interesting. There's many more suggestions other than just diet changes in this article. However, I know diet changes reverse or stop many ill health effects.  5 Tips for Problem Eyes is my personal journey of how diet changes can improve your appearance.

I am not a health professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They have been evaluated by people like me and you who have migraines and found them to be effective. No prescription required. Minimal out of pocket expense! I hope you find something in this post that works for you.

If you have a quick-fix migraine remedy that you use, please leave me a comment. Sharing your experience may help someone else.

Health to your noggin,
The Happy Handicap

5 Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine Quickly

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

5 Tips for Problem Eyes

Yes, these are my eyes! They need help! They look like this when I over-indulge. I can help them and you can help yours too! I'm not concerned about my actual eye but those puffy inflamed areas and the dark circles under them. Do you have the same things happening under your eyes?

I believe our diets have so much to do with our health, looks and well-being. I invite you to watch my eye transformation over the next month and join my challenge. Together, we'll prove once and for all how these 5 Tips for Problem Eyes can resolve unsightly puffiness and bags.. If you agree to join me in this challenge, please email me a pic of your worst eye right now (it won't be posted). In four weeks or February 3, I will ask you to email me a picture of what that same eye looks like after following the 5 Tips for Problem Eyes. I will ask your permission to post a before and after pic. If you agree the pics will be posted on this blog.
5 Tips for Problem Eyes
1. Drink at least 48 ounces of pure water a day. Only water counts!

2. Avoid all sodas (diet & regular) you can have tea (diet or regular) and Crystal Light. I love Coke and lovingly refer to it as "poison", because it is!

3. Avoid processed sweets. No cookies, cakes, candy bars from a bag or wrapper. You can make your 
own desserts from scratch but please limit them to 2-3 servings per week.

4. Dab a small amount of Vaseline under each eye (not too close to eyeball) before bed on clean skin. Be careful not to get the Vaseline in your eye.

5. Use only oil-based products to remove eye makeup such as Almay Moisturizing Eye Makeup Remover.
Who wants to be kind to their "under" eyes? Let me know if you'd like to join my challenge by commenting or sending me an email at YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT YOUR TRANSFORMATION! The challenge starts tomorrow January 6th.

Can't wait for you to "see" the difference,
The Happy Handicap

5 Tips for Problem Eyes

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013

13 Things I Learned about Blogging in 2013

1. Health-related posts are the most popular subject on my blog. 

2. Pin it! Pinterest is my #1 traffic referrer.

3. I need a class on SEO.

4.  People like honest reviews about Pinterest Pins. Reviews save readers time & money.

5. My home decorating posts were not popular. Nevertheless I'm posting my 2013 kitchen remodel shortly.

6. Few people are searching for spiritual encouragement. My Wednesday posts are always spiritual.

7. Folks love recipes for pretty food.

8. It is challenging to engage people and keep them coming back.

9. Extremely difficult to make any extra money blogging.

10. Social media is a must! Don't discriminate networks; join them all.

11. Post every day! (I got serious this year and saw my page views go up from 200 per month to over 5000 views in September 2013 alone)

12. Consistency and knowing what your readers like are king!

13. More people than you might think don't like Elf on the Shelf including me!

Leave me a comment with some things you can add to 13 Things I Learned about Blogging in 2013.

A bit more educated,
The Happy Handicap

13 Things I Learned about Blogging in 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013

Saturday, December 28, 2013

10 Tips to a Successful New Year's Eve Purge

Can't wait for the new year? Got your heels dug into the pavement trying to avoid the New Year? I'm in the latter category thinking about all the expectations and potential disappointment that I'll suffer at the hands of my own insufficiency. 2014 I'm trying things a bit differently.

I had the idea of a New Year's Eve Purge in the think tank (my shower) the other morning. I've gotten so excited about it I had to share it. A New Year's Eve Purge is the next best thing to sprinkling a supplement on your food to lose weight. The Purge is designed to reduce the stress you're building up trying to resolve to reduce your stress for the new year (say that 3 times fast)! I think it will work. So, please, give 10 Tips to a Successful New Year's Eve Purge a try!

1. Purge resolutions. Don't even think about a resolution! A resolution, broken down, is a "re"-solution guessed it, you never get it resolved! Purge all your resolution thoughts before you have them and opt instead to set goals. Goals are measurable and attainable. You can meet 50% of a goal but you can't half-resolve anything. Things are either resolved or they're not! 

2.  Purge BILLS! Need I say more? Purge or pay as many as you can before the end of the year especially if they are health care charges, property taxes or anything that is a 2013 tax deduction. A couple of options to purge bills might be burning your mailbox, training your dog to keep the mailman away from your mailbox or the Joel Osteen method.

3.   Purge a Dream. Book your dream trip now before the end of 2013. I know this works because I did it in 2011. Crazy yet effective. I booked a dream trip to London & Paris with a minimum deposit of $300, saved money for the next 18 months and took my dream trip in July 2013 debt-free and with spending cash!  Go Ahead Tours offers perks for group coordinators. Become a group coordinator and travel free. Be sure to tell them Tammy Stafford sent ya!
4.  Purge your mouth. Say mean things! RIGHT NOW! Your niceness is exhausted from all the family holiday dinners, your grumpy significant other, the cooking, planning and decorating you've done and you deserve it now more than ever! Tell everyone you see you've got a virus so you can VOMIT, SPEW and SPIT chunks of mean, vile, rude, crude, ugliness everywhere. GET IT ALL OUT! Feel better? Ready to be nice for the new year? I thought so....

5. Purge your DVR. Sit down and watch all those old recordings you've avoided all year. Oh...don't have enough hours in this year to watch all of them? Use the D.E.L.E.T.E. button. Don't laugh, your remote does have one.

6. Purge your closet. It's embarrassing but it MUST be addressed. Forget the "turning your hangers backward" trick. You know what you wear and what you don't. The answer to your question is "NO!" Your question is "I might wear that?" Not gonna happen. Donate it. Just so you know, this is not my closet!

7Purge your contacts list. We've all got them...people on our contacts list that we have no idea who they are, never heard of them much less contacted them. Don't be afraid to send your unknown contacts to the tomb of no retrieval. If you suddenly remember the contact you deleted is your friend's aunt's boyfriend's cousin who is personal friends with your cardiologist, don't worry 911 is a free call.

8.  Purge your pill drawer. Here's to a great attitude and better health in 2014. Trust your body! Throw away those bottles that expired in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, get the picture. I'm not sure of the proper way to dispose of pills. Don't flush them! You never know when all a sewer monster needs is an aspirin.

9.  Purge your linen closet. Are your washcloths and towels wholly and I don't mean like Sweet Baby Jesus. We've had some of our linens since we got married in 1985 and they are threadbare and wholly! Some of them look more like bibs than something to wash your ribs!

10. Purge your refrigerator. I've saved the best for last not because we could legit eat everything in the fridge, no! Because it always reminds me of one of the 10 sexiest food scenes in a movie. I can't think of a better way to empty the fridge than by having my "Mickey Rourke" spoon feed me or drizzle me with honey. Can you?

Leave me a comment with your favorite New Year's Eve purge or if you must....your resolution for 2014!

Excited to get started,
The Happy Handicap

10 Tips to a Successful New Year's Eve Purge

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Flu Shot: Cure or Controversy

flu vaccine

Have you had your flu shot? I haven't! In fact, I've NEVER taken a flu vaccine and neither have my children. If I could go back to my children's childhood, I would take a religious exemption from all vaccines not because of my religion but because it's the only way I could legally avoid the shots and them still attend public school. The government has us right where they want us. Controlled!

I'm not a doctor or have any medical training other than self-taught through experience and reading materials. I am also self-educated on alternative treatments including herbs, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, colonics and reflexology. I've personally tried and still use combinations of these fields. I am very thankful for the medical profession since being born with a birth defect of both feet required extensive surgeries and enabled me to walk. I've had 13 surgeries total including lithotripsy, hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, tonsillectomy, two c-sections and shew! I think that's it! I certainly believe in traditional medicine but let it be known my primary prevention and cure of choice are alternative methods.

My experience with the flu shot and my immediate family has further persuaded me it is not a good choice except in certain situations. My otherwise healthy father had never taken the flu shot. He's 76 and took the flu shot two years ago for the first time. Three days afters, he started showing signs of a stroke and suffered a brain bleed. Google it! Stroke after the flu shot happens more than you might think but no warning is posted on the Center for Disease Control's side effects page. My very healthy Mom (age 73) suffered severe shortness of breath the past two years she's taken the shot. The 2013 flu shot sent her to the doctor's office two times for antibiotics and steroid shots. Although, most doctors are convinced elderly folks should have a flu shot, no exceptions.

My husband, who has pulmonary fibrosis, gets the pneumonia and flu shot. The pneumonia shot did not produce any ill effects. The flu shot always gives him severe body aches. He continually fights an achy body most days due to Anti-synthetase syndrome, an auto-immune disorder. I reluctantly agree with the use of vaccines for individuals with impaired immune systems. We began seeing a functional medicine doctor who practices nutrition and alternative medicine. Functional medicine seeks cause and cure instead of treating symptoms with pills for a lifetime.

flu vaccine cartoon

Ultimately, your health is your responsibility. Your health is your choice. Please chose wisely by seeking uncensored factual information and the advice of your primary physician. I read a lot of Dr. Mark Hyman's articles who started the Functional Medicine movement. I find them extremely informative and helpful. Read what he has to say about who should take the flu shot in his blog post: The Flu Shot: Helpful or Harmful. 

Leave me a comment with your experiences with the flu shot: good or bad.

Here's to our health,
The Happy Handicap

The Flu Shot: Cure or Controversy

Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Can Lavender Oil reduce Skin Bruising?

Tried and True Natural Health Tip #2

Nature's Sunshine Lavender Fine 
This small bottle of oil is close to a miracle worker to reduce skin bruising. I'm not a doctor and my statement has not been approved by the FDA! Please seek health advice from a medical professional. However, I have personally used Lavender oil for years to reduce the pain and tenderness of skin bruising. Can Lavender Oil reduce Skin Bruising?

Case #1: My husband ran into the corner of the bed frame with his shin at a high rate of speed yesterday. After he said &%^*# and almost cried, he said "Look at that knot! It'll be a big bruise tomorrow!" The word bruise sent me to the cabinet for my little bottle of Lavender. I generously applied the oil directly to the accident area. Lavender can be safely applied directly to the skin without a carrier agent or ill effects. Next morning, my husband admitted his knot was gone and he didn't even have a bruise or soreness from a bang on his leg that should have bruised and been sore for at least a week.

There are many brands of Lavender oil. I simply prefer Nature's Sunshine Lavender Fine due to purity, collection techniques and manufacturing worthiness. I maintain a relation with Nature's Sunshine for my personal ordering. If you would like to order please consider using my ID 2926490 as a sponsor. Membership is free with a $40 order and members save at least 40% off of retail price. Sweet!

I also use Lavender oil rubbed directly on my feet to soothe tired and aching tootsies. Being born with a birth defect, I have to pamper my feet quite often. If I take a trip, Lavender is a MUST to help reduce pain and swelling from a day on my feet. The oil will also help cuts and bruising on your feet. I recently went to London and Paris and was so glad to buy a bottle of lavender oil in the gift shop of Westminster Abbey! I had brought my own bottle but wanted a souvenir...ha! I also use Lavender soap to bathe with and cleanse my face from

Do you use Lavender oil? Leave me a comment and tell me your successes with the oil. What do you love to use it for?

Slathering it on,
The Happy Handicap

Can Lavender Oil reduce Skin Bruising?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nice Inexpensive Christmas Gifts Everyone Needs


Looking for a nice Christmas gift for your office, cousins or Sunday school class? You want something nice but not too expensive. Looking for something unique and fresh? After all, doesn't everyone have enough Bath & Body Works? Experience the luxuriousness of Authentic French Milled Soaps from Savon Suds.

Savon Suds offers nice inexpensive Christmas gifts everyone needs! The soaps imported from Paris makes your skin feel softer, smoother and more lavish. 12 natural soaps to choose from, NEVER any artificial color, scents or impurities. Will not clog pores. Sets available or individually packaged.

Relaxing Collection with Lavender, Honey and Sweet Almond
Each unique soap is filled with health benefits that could help eczema, acne, psoriasis and more. For more information visit Savon Suds and buy some nice inexpensive Christmas gifts everyone needs. I use these soaps personally. They are the best french milled soaps I've ever used. Their fragrance is big and bold yet soft and pleasing. Use soap to accent your decor. One soap will freshen a small bathroom area for months. You and your friends will love them too!

Au revoir,
The Happy Handicap

Nice Inexpensive Christmas Gifts Everyone Needs

Tuesday, December 10, 2013