Is Jesus Worth Dying For?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Would you agree Jesus died for us? He thinks we're worth it! Soldiers willingly fight and die for our freedom. Are we worth it? Soldiers think so. Here's a question to consider. Is Jesus worth dying for? You might think Jesus would never ask us to die for him. We don't need to die for him, he's God! Why would we ever need to die for him? I'm glad you asked.

Paul states in Corinthians 15:31 "I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily."  Paul is not talking about a physical death. He is referring to "dying to self". Becoming a new creature is not optional in Christian living, it is a requirement. Galatians 5:24 says "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Romans 12:1 says it like this "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

That seems contradictory. How can we live and die too? Here is a simple example. Every day I have a choice. I can do what Tammy (my flesh) wants to do or I can choose to die and do what God wants me to. I can listen to Tammy or I can listen to God's spirit for direction. Choosing to die means being obedient and letting Jesus live anew through me. The Bible speaks of "lukewarm" followers in Revelation 3.  "Lukewarm" is a symptom of unwillingness to die to self and live for Christ. You cannot accomplish newness of life or salvation without dying for Christ first.

Is Jesus worth dying for? Do you want eternal life in heaven? Yes? Then, you better believe it! Jesus is worth dying for! Death to self is not an option for Christians. It is a choice for eternal life.

Please leave me a comment with your thoughts. Have you ever considered that not only did Jesus die for us but we must also die to receive him?

My best,
The Happy Handicap


  1. Never thought of it that way. Enjoy reading.

    1. Thanks Shirlene! It only occurred to me last week when I was praying for a subject for this week's thought. God said to me "Am I worth dying for?" and proceeded to explain! Glad you enjoyed it!

      The Happy Handicap
