Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Is There Really Peace on Earth?

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
God is not dead nor doth he sleep! 
Peace on earth. 
Goodwill to men. 
The bells are ringing. 
Does anybody hear them? 

Please listen to this song "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" by Casting Crowns. Click the link in haste just like the wise men went to find Jesus. Turn it up LOUD and really take it in.  Click replay at least a dozen times! Soak it up!

Every time I listen to the song I get cold chills just thinking about what Jesus rescued us from. Let me try to describe what I feel when I listen intently to the song, eyes closed. I'm transported to the middle of an Old English countryside with a beautiful church in the foreground. The reflection of the warm glow of candlelight flickering in the windows bounces off the winter landscape. I'm aware of a choir at my side angelically repeating "Peace on Earth", "Peace on Earth". The heavy clang of the church bells begin to ring. My head lifts toward the sky to feel delicate snowflakes trickle down from the heavens softly, gently touching my face. As the snowflakes fall, I feel the pure white cleansing power of Jesus almost as if he's standing right above me touching the air with his finger making snowflakes just for me. The music moves me to raise my hands and extend my arms up to praise Him. The One the bells are ringing for!  I'm light as air. Any moment, I may start floating into the atmosphere of cloudy white fluff. 

Oh, the wonderment! 
Is this peace on earth? 
The song ends and I return to myself but not before I've lingered in his glory wanting to stay there forever.

What does peace on earth mean to you...personally? Everybody wants peace on earth for the planet that spins around daily but what about for yourself? Jesus said in Luke 12:51-52 "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you , Nay, but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two and two against three." What's this division Jesus talks about? He's talking about peace in your earth, your body, your tabernacle, your soul. The peace that only comes from Him. Accepting Jesus as Savior divides us from eternal damnation and brings us eternal peace.

John 14:27 Jesus says "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." 
Not troubled 
Not afraid 

So, is there really peace on earth? Yes! How do you find it? Accept that sweet little Jesus boy that was born in a manger as Lord of your life. The song "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" will take on new meaning. Can you hear the bells ringing? Peace on Earth. Like a choir singing. Peace on Earth. Like the angels singing. Peace on Earth. Goodwill to men.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the poem in 1863 that was later set to music in 1874 during a desolate time in his life.  His son was killed in war and his wife died in an accidental fire. The bells on Christmas day gave him renewed hope. In 2008, Mark Hall of Casting Crowns recorded his own arrangement of the song which is heard in the link above. God bless you this Christmas season. May you hear and embrace the message of the bells. 


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Will you be rewarded?

december host rewards
I became a Pampered Chef Consultant in August. I love my new business despite almost cutting the tip of my finger off at my first show! Who wouldn't? I set my own hours, order lots of stuff with other people's money and reward my hosts. Best of all, I get paid for having so much fun. This isn't a plug for my business, okay, maybe it is but God certainly gave me a message this week through The Pampered Chef!

This is how the Pampered Chef Host Opportunity works. I coach you on several things; number of people to invite to your show, getting outside orders, what to cook at your show to get the most sales and how many sales you need to get the rewards you want. The larger your sales, the higher the rewards. The most important thing to understand is you have to have $200 in sales to get rewarded. No exceptions!

The last 3 months have been very interesting as I've watched how some hosts are very eager, work hard and exceed their expectations of rewards. I've had some hosts sell just over $200 to barely get the reward. I've had one host that didn't meet the $200. Instead of not rewarding her, I purchased the dollar amount she needed to get her reward.

The Bible says in Proverbs 24:14 "So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off." Here's the Pampered Chef for the soul message.  We host our own soul. Ministers and others coach us how to get the reward. We know the reward requires the forgiveness of Jesus. No exceptions! Some will give their whole heart and life to him for the greatest reward. Some will give him their sins to receive forgiveness narrowly escaping but still get the reward. Then sadly, some will totally disregard the coaching, oral and written, missing the reward forever. We can't obtain the reward alone. We will always come up short. Jesus gave the amount we can't purchase. Will you be rewarded?

Do you like to be pampered? I can pamper you with kitchen tools. Want the ultimate pamper?  A reward of salvation from Jesus! He has all the right spiritual tools to cook you well done. He is the recipe for reward and great expectation!

Be pampered,
The Happy Handicap

Friday, November 28, 2014

10 Ways You Can tell You Are A Senior Citizen

I received my AARP sign-up kit in the mail last year when I turned 50. I guess that officially makes me in the senior pool agewise. I don't mind being more mature at all, do you? Here are 10 funny ways you can tell you are a senior citizen without trying to remember the year you were born:

1. The neighbors can hear what TV show you're watching three houses down. If your volume is 40+, it may be time to look into a hearing aid.

2. You start your automatic coffee maker to come on 10 minutes AFTER you plan to get up because it will take you at least 10 minutes to get out of bed and find your way to the kitchen.

3. You have a pair of magnifying glasses in every room of the house and one pair on your person and you still can't find your glasses.

4. You need to do laundry more often due to annoying sneeze peeing and the fact you can't seem to eat anything without spilling it down the front of your shirt.

5. You stop to look at that odd person you saw in the mirror and for the first minute or so you don't recognize yourself.


6. Your clothes begin to resemble your parents. If you're a girl, you need sunglasses to keep from squinting choosing an outfit from your closet. You know how mom loves the shiny stuff. If you're a guy, you need a belt to hold up the jeans your booty used to support and an extra long shirt to hide your belly.

7. You begin to floss more because now you realize these teeth need to last you a lifetime.

8. You finally don't need to shave your legs every day. YES! My mom always told me leg hair would stop growing when I got old. She was right!

9. There's a down side to less leg hair....more facial hair. This wouldn't be a problem if I were a dude. I now hear my children say to me what I used to say to my mom "MOM, I've got to pluck those black hair out of your chin!"

10. You have to re-read numbers 1 - 9 because you really didn't understand them the first time you read it. The old gray mare and stallion just ain't what they used to be.

Here's a bonus one:

11. Black Friday makes you think of Jesus instead of shopping because you're closer to meeting him.

old people
Blessed 365 to be 55,
The Happy Handicap

p.s. I hope no senior citizens are offended reading this blog. I feel your joint pain, go to rooms in my house then wonder why I'm there and genuinely cherish folks who are wiser than me!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Why Thanksgiving?

I saw this on a church sign somewhere last week. So true! If you need help this Thanksgiving or any I saw this on a church sign somewhere last week. So true! If you need help this Thanksgiving or any day, seek God. Ask him to help you. He will!

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Colossians 3:15 We have so much to be thankful for. May every day be Thanksgiving in our hearts! 

Thanking God for his blessings,
The Happy Handicap

, seek God. Ask him to help you. He will!

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

5 Promises You Can Count On

broken promises
Think about the last time someone promised you something. Did they keep their promise? Did they break their promise? How did their promise make you feel? Are you tired of promises not being kept by your family, friends, boss, co-worker or even yourself? Does this egg depict your image of promises? Broken!

You can count on the promises of God...every time! I've listed five of my favorites of the MANY promises of His Word. It may help to memorize these for reassurance when others neglect to carry out their promises.
  1. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 
  2. God will give you rest from a heavy heart. Matthew 11:28
  3. God will save you and your household. Acts 16:31
  4. God will make your enemies your footstool. Matthew 22:42
  5. God will give you what you pray for, if you believe. Matthew 21:22

A promise is a serious vow of your character. Broken promises make you untrustworthy. If you think about it, just being asked to "promise" may be a sign you've let someone down already. Be careful making promises to people. A fulfilled promise may not always be remembered but a broken promise will never be forgotten!

Keeping my promises,
The Happy Handicap

Leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite promise of all time is!