Thursday, December 3, 2015

Your Christmas Chord

I know just enough about music to NOT play the piano well. I can read music fast enough to produce the melody of a song leaving out notes making the...

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Mom-ism Monday #16

My Mom always says I don't have any common sense. I'm beginning to believe her. As I age, I find I do weird things, can't remember nothing and generally...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Power of Thankfulness

Admit it. You enjoy being thanked. We actually expect it. We become deflated, wilted if thanks are withheld from us. Giving thanks and receiving...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Five Things Christians Should Learn From Veterans

photo credit: Thank you to each and every man or woman, past and present, who has served in any branch of the United States...

Friday, November 6, 2015

Nobody Comes

Rana Elyse Mashburn (12/03/1997 - 10/22/2015) continues to impact my life daily. I followed her recent journey with HLH from Day 1 - July 13, 2015....