Sunday, July 6, 2014

This is What the Fourth of July is all About!

Our vision was interrupted by rain as Steve and I drove up Gladiolus Drive to the busy intersection of Boy Scout Road. Three large roads feed into the main intersection in the coastal town of Fort Myers Florida. It was getting late into the day, the day after the fourth of July festivities and celebrations. We saw an occasional decorated vehicle from the earlier parade sitting along the sides of the road.

Before coming to a complete stop at the red light, Steve noticed a young woman crossing the road at the busy intersection. His concerned voice fired off questions. "What is she doing? Is she barefooted? Why is she crossing the road in traffic?" He took in more about this woman in a single glance than I could answer with one look. She wasn't barefoot. She had on a pair of nude flats with a classic fit white dress that stopped just about her slim knees. She instantly reminded me of Allie Hamilton.
My mind now conjured the same questions Steve had asked. "Why is she crossing the road in traffic? What is she doing?" the rain! The light turned green. As we got close enough to make out what she was doing, she was in the middle of the intersection bending down to pick up something. What had she lost? Whatever it was, it was laying slap dab in the middle of the road.
As we drove past, we caught a glimpse of what she was rescuing. Our hearts were touched. Our minds were amazed but mostly our American pride was stirred. Steve said "She must be in the military! If you want to blog about something, blog about THAT!" This young lady risked life and limb to pick up a small American flag that had been left or lost on the highway. Steve amused again said "You know you're not supposed to do that, leave a flag on the ground."

SHE DIDN'T! We know that "Old Glory" is sitting proudly in a place of respect and dignity. As Steve said "Now, that's what the fourth of July is all about!"

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy to the 7th power!

Happy 4th of July from our family to yours!  

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Are Freedom and Independence the same?


Do you value your freedom? Your independence? We celebrate Independence Day on July 4th in America because we are no longer ruled by the English Crown. We can be freed from many things; abuse, bondage or slavery, imprisonment, and debt to name a few. We can become independent of things such as The Monarchy, our parents or a relationship. But, are the words freedom and independence interchangeable?

In some cases yes, but not in all situations. The Bible says in John 8:36 "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." We long to be made free through the acceptance of Jesus; being relieved from the bondage of sin and the guilt of condemnation. Can we insert the word "independent or independence" in that sentence? Let's see. We long to be made independent through the acceptance of Jesus. Won't work! Accepting Jesus means we become "dependent" upon him to free us from sin.

I think we should create another holiday called "Happy Dependence Day". Let's celebrate it every day instead of just once a year. I've been ruled by my Heavenly King for many years and I'm satisfied with his government. The freedom I enjoy for simple belief is astounding! Let freedom ring!

Happy 4th,
The Happy Handicap

Monday, June 30, 2014

Mom-ism Monday #9

Vacation Time!

We love the Beach. This is our view...
sanibel beach

I usually take my mom and dad on vacation. Do you? And as usual, the Mom-isms abound!  We have LIsette with us also so the first order of business, to insure we enjoy the beach, is shade for the baby. This is mine and Sydnee's attempt at putting up a shelter in 25 mph beach wind!


Don't laugh until you've walked a mile in our sand-filled moccasins! did the job. Now if you don't stay in the shade provided, what happens next? You guessed it. 

Luckily for us, we have my mom or nanny to my girls and gran nan to Lisette! Gran Nan says "I brought the aloe!" Aloe Vera is our go-to remedy for sunburn. Fast relief! I said "Great!" because I already needed some. I thought she brought a bottle so I start looking for it. I spotted it and cracked up. Here's Gran Nan's aloe she brought:

aloe vera
That's right!  No bottled aloe for us! No, we get ours straight from the plant. PHRASH! I'm considering adding a new product to my ETSY page: ALOE IN A BAG kinda like octopus in a bag only less smelly.

Does your family use aloe for sunburn? Leave me a comment with your best sunburn tips. We may need them.

Aloe Soothed,
The Happy Handicap


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

3 Ways to Tell if Your Faith is Counterfeit

Ah refreshing Coca-Cola.  According to the Business Insider, Coke is everywhere. The iconic American brand is recognized instantly around the globe and sold in more than 200 countries. Altogether 1.7 billion servings of Coke products are consumed daily.

Brands have tried to copy the Coke formula. Pepsi tried to win market share with a blind taste test called The Pepsi Challenge. Remember that? Did you ever take the challenge? I did. A true genuine Coke lover can smell a Pepsi. There's no need to taste it to spot an imposter. Would you agree?

The U.S. Secret Service believes we have a role in maintaining the integrity of U.S. currency. We should be familiar enough with our money to spot counterfeit bills. Here are three ways to determine money is counterfeit:

1. The genuine portrait on paper money appears lifelike. A counterfeit portrait is lifeless and flat.
2.The fine lines in the border of a genuine bill are clear and unbroken. On the counterfeit, the lines and scroll work are blurred and indistinct.
3. Genuine paper money has tiny red and blue fibers embedded. The counterfeit bill has lines printed on the surface not embedded throughout.

You can use the same information from the Secret Service counterfeit money tips to make sure your Christian faith is real. Here are 3 ways:

1. Christian faith is full of life. A counterfeit faith is lifeless and flat.
2. The Bible is clear and guidelines are unbroken. Counterfeit doctrine is blurred and indistinct.
3. Genuine faith is embedded in your heart. Counterfeit faith wavers and doesn't penetrate the surface.

Coke ain't got nothing on Jesus. He is an iconic, recognized Savior around the world. I'm not sure how many people serve him daily but he is everywhere. Put your faith to the counterfeit challenge to make sure it's the real thing cause "Things go better with Christ!"

I know He's real,
The Happy Handicap