Wednesday, January 15, 2014

3 Things I Know will be in Heaven

Are you a detective? Do you search for clues to see what heaven will be like? I'm curious what heaven is like and I bet you are too. I certainly don't wonder how hot hell is or if the devil has a pitchfork tail. The 3 things I know will be in heaven are:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

DIY - Vintage Crib Makeover

My sentimental side came out just lately...wwaaayyy out! The vintage love started oozing about 11 months ago when my daughter showed me a blue plus sign on a dip stick. Fast forward to November 20, 2013 and my first grandchild skyrocketed my sentiments to explosive levels. Have you ever visited Disney World and watched the fireworks over Cinderella's castle, felt for yourself and saw the wonder in children's eyes? YAY? Well...You don't even know!Having a grandbaby is better than fireworks at Disney! Try to imagineer that.

Friday, January 10, 2014

5 Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine Quickly

My head hurts! While I slept last night a 14,325 pound African Elephant crawled through my ear. This morning he's being chased by a lion with his enormous feet pounding as he runs. Oh wait, Horton just stopped at a river. What's he doing? Spraying water from his trunk right behind my pupils making my eyes run like a faucet. My teeth feel like they were a stage for his Riverdance audition! Is it a migraine? If it's not, it's real close.

According to WebMD, migraine symptoms include a pounding headache, nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. They can also include visual disturbances referred to as auras. It is estimated some 45 million people suffer from this type of headache. I have been diagnosed with a migraine including all the symptoms and visual problems. A migraine headache is quite disturbing. How to get rid of a migraine quickly is a hot topic for good reason.

Here's 5 Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine Quickly:

1. Tap away a migraine with EFT. My daughter uses this. I've seen it work very effectively and quickly.

2. Take Feverfew at the first sign of headache. Feverfew can also be taken every day to help prevent migraine attacks. I've personally used this and it works! Please use my referral code 2926490 if you decide to purchase from Nature's Sunshine via the link. Stock up and keep them on-hand.

3. From my daughter's facebook page. She's not put this remedy to the test but I'm impressed she shared it.

4.  Do reflexology on your feet to relieve a migraine. I L.O.V.E reflexology because it works wonders for many illnesses/disorders. Easy to do on yourself and FREE!

5.  Nutritionists and doctors are taking note of our diets more these days and so should we! I get House Calls from Dr. Hyman (not real ones). I subscribe. You can too! 5 Steps to Solve Your Migraines was especially interesting. There's many more suggestions other than just diet changes in this article. However, I know diet changes reverse or stop many ill health effects.  5 Tips for Problem Eyes is my personal journey of how diet changes can improve your appearance.

I am not a health professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They have been evaluated by people like me and you who have migraines and found them to be effective. No prescription required. Minimal out of pocket expense! I hope you find something in this post that works for you.

If you have a quick-fix migraine remedy that you use, please leave me a comment. Sharing your experience may help someone else.

Health to your noggin,
The Happy Handicap

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Do you suffer from "Hidden Identity"?

My favorite apple is a Stayman Winesap. I was happy to see this juicy, red specimen in a produce bin grocery shopping last Saturday. I picked it up, squeezed it a bit and my mouth watered. I thought about biting into the apple tasting the tartness at first and then the sweetness that balances every bite. I bagged the apple placing it in my cart; sold.

Yesterday, I ate the apple...almost.  Juice squirted on my knife as I cut. The crunching sound of the knife sliding through the apple skin was music to my ears. I can't stand a mellow apple. My taste buds swelled as I anticipated a delicious bite. My eyebrows furled and my mouth went dry when I saw the brown mushy stuff in its center. My apple was rotten inside! Disappointed, I ate cantaloupe thinking "How could something look so good outside but be so bad inside?" The store didn't know the apple was rotten. The only means to find out was to cut it or basically reveals its insides. This beautiful piece of fruit had a hidden identity.

I fear many people are suffering from "hidden identity." The Bibles states in Proverbs 28:12-13 KJV "When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory: but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." When we sin without confession and forgiveness, it creates a rotten spot in us. Our rotten spot can grow until our outside becomes as rotten as our inside. When we sin we may look like the apple, great on the outside, bad on the inside. Can you imagine what the apple would look like in about two weeks? Totally brown and rotten! We become more rotten the longer we continue to sin.

Does one un-confessed sin really matter that much? You know the old adage "One bad apple spoils the whole basket." Let's just say "One un-confessed sin spoils the whole heart."  An apple is Mother Nature. Sin is human nature. Confession and forsaking our sin to receive mercy is Godly nature.

The Happy Handicap

Monday, January 6, 2014

Guest Hosting "Bloody Marys Count as a Salad #24" Link with us!

Welcome to Bloody Marys Count as a Salad # 24

Bloody Marys Count as a Salad

What's with the name?  We named it Bloody Mary’s Count as a Salad, because anything goes in this hop! Need to vent? Go for it! Need to say something snarky? DO IT!  Or do you just want to share your blog and/or a specific post?  We'd love to read it!  Anything you want to share, we want to see it!

And introducing a social aspect of the hop!  Each week we will feature a different social media linkup.  This week is Twitter!  Link up your blog in the first linkup and your Twitter URL in the second linkup!  

Of course, there are a few rules, we aren't going for hop chaos here!

  1. Follow your hosts and each weeks special guest co-host.
  2. Link up your blog or specific blog post.  Whatever you’d like to share is ok with us!
  3. Visit 3-4 other blogs and say hello!  Try to be nice and follow those who follow you.  And don’t forget to say hi to your hosts if you are new!
  4. Grab the link up button and put it in your side bar, in your post, or put our link on your link up party page.
  5. Not mandatory, but we’d love to have you share our hop with others.  Tweet it, post about it, or share it on Facebook.  We’ll love you forever if you do… And it might help you grab a co-host spot next week.

Don't Forget to follow your Hosts and special Co-Host:

               A Girl                                                                           Erin                                                                        Kara
A Boy, A Girl, and the Marine Corps                 Unconventional Mommy Tails                             Ramblings of  Marine Wife

Special Guest Host: The Happy Handicap
