Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The 2 S's of a Wife; what are they?

Happy 2nd Anniversary!
 Trey and Sydnee
October 16, 2013
what are they?
Submission & Subjection
please read on...

I've often pondered the mystery of marriage; walking up an aisle to a minister, answering a few questions "yes" or "I will" and walking out an entirely different person. I may over-analyze things a bit but this was the scariest part of marriage for me. In a few seconds with a few simple words, your life is changed forever. believe and accept it. Our transformation from life to death through Jesus happens in the same manner. Think about this, it's really no different from the dating and marriage process. Jesus has been whispering in your ear encouraging you to choose him for a new life. You finally make your decision that it's him you want, you walk the aisle to an altar or a minister, say "yes, I accept you" and your life is changed forever. You must also ask Him for forgiveness and believe.  Will you make mistakes in both unions? Will you want to throw your hands up and quit in both unions? Will you ever wonder what it all means? Yes, Yes and Yes!

The next couple of weeks I'll be sharing my thoughts on Ephesians 5:22-33 concerning marriage. Today, let's start with verses 22-24 which reads; Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

The definition of submit in this context is to accept or yield to the will of another person. God didn't give wives instructions to love their husbands because he knew that would be easy for them. He designed women inherently for love and care, as a help meet.  He created women to love and for love. An example of this is childbirth, great pain + new baby = unending love!  Ladies, our husband are the head of our households and we should let them be. I know what you're thinking. He doesn't accept responsibility, he's lazy, he doesn't know how to do anything, he can't make decisions, he don't have any common sense, how can I submit to that?  Yeah, maybe but you have to understand his role in the union.

Genesis 3:23 tells us man was banished from the Garden of Eden to till the ground because he listened to his wife and ate from the wrong tree. I'm not trying to be funny here, this is scripture! This incident plainly shows us how our roles get turned upside down and what happens as a consequence. Men are single-minded because that's how God created them, to dress and tend the garden. For example, how do you plant a garden? In several single steps, right? Till the ground, drop the seed, cover the seed, no compound tasks! Have you ever noticed how annoyed your husband becomes if you ask him to stop what he's doing and do something else? It's the way he was designed! Understand him and submit to it. It'll make your union so much stronger.  You aren't submitting to Christ if you aren't submitting to your husband.

Your husband is also your protector as Christ is the savior of the world. Your husband's job is to save and protect you, keep you from harm. Does Christ save everyone? Everyone that will let him. Can your husband protect you? If you will let him but don't be encouraging him to eat bad fruit!  I bet your husband gives you a hundred subtle tips a week to help you and most of the time you shrug him off. Are you guilty? I am! When I don't listen and find myself in need of Steve's help, I hear him, in my head, warning me about the thing I just did and what would happen. Do you know anyone else who guides your life in the same manner? Are you understanding verse 24 yet? Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Being subject unto your husband allows two things to happen in your marriage; encourages your husband to accept his leadership role in the home and keeps wives out of trouble.  When you are subject to Christ, you feel good inside because you know you have pleased him. Be subject to your husband for once and please him!

Of course, for all this to work correctly as God intended there are instructions for the husband also. We will cover some of those next week. There is so much in Ephesians 5 it's difficult to shorten and contain to a brief space. Read it for yourself, examine yourself and submit to it's teachings. 
The Happy Handicap

Friday, October 11, 2013

My Random Thoughts on Happiness

Happiness is....

                         Listening to classical music
                         ...especially when my daughter plays

                       My Dad sitting high and comfy on a tractor like
                                            Oliver Wendell Douglas...

                The beautiful view from my front porch...

Hermie, my long-haired Dachshund with a buzz cut...

                          anticipating my first grandchild in november 2013...

                      lots and lots of things make me happy
                              for a sadly, incomplete list
                   of my random thoughts on happiness...
                               check out my "happiness is" page!

                             The Happy Handicap                                

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Can Cabbage help Control Anger?


I served boiled cabbage for lunch yesterday and had the leftovers for dinner. Did you know cabbage is one of the "world's healthiest foods"? Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that boasts many health benefits including: cancer prevention, anti-inflammatory properties and a powerful stomach tonic. Cabbage is also a natural cholesterol lowering food.

The best way to cook cabbage to maintain nutrients is to healthy saute. Heat 5 tbsp. water in a stainless steel skillet on high heat. When bubbles begin to form, reduce heat to medium, add shredded cabbage, cover and cook for five minutes. Cut off heat and let stand covered for two more minutes before you serve. You can see from the picture, I thinly shred my cabbage. It is yummier that way! My Aunt Nell taught me that!

Whilst (I love that word! I learned it in London) I was preparing the cabbage, I posted a face book question asking "How long do you boil your cabbage down?" God used that cabbage to show me something. Can cabbage help control anger? Ephesians 4:26-27 says "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil." I began to wonder how long it takes us to boil down or simmer down when we get angry.

Just like the cabbage, if simmered for 5 minutes and cooled for 2, it is tasty and beneficial for our bodies. If we get angry and cool down quickly, we can avoid sin which is healthy for our bodies. Alternately, if cabbage simmers too long, all the nutrients are removed, tastes bad and the color is poor. If we simmer too long with anger, we give place to the devil which is not healthy, causes us to act out and is sinful.

Unresolved anger has many detrimental effects on our health. Anger is linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, stomach problems and even the flu! The next time you get angry think of a head of cabbage and remember "Simmer 5, Cool 2!" This visual mantra should distract you from being angry, force the devil to find another place and improve your health!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice.

Just thinking of a head of cabbage not helping with anger management? Look at this cutie! Print out this little guy and hang him up in your office or home. Every time you look at him, surely you'll crack a smile and your anger will be gone!

Happy not Angry,
The Happy Handicap

Monday, October 7, 2013

Squash Spaghetti or Spaghetti Squash?

baked-spaghetti squash
Either way you say it
SO tasty and healthy!

Here's what you do...
Bake a medium-size spaghetti squash
at 350 degrees for one hour until tender
See my knife mark 
inserted to make sure it's done?
"Done" if your knife goes in easily!
Cool the squash
Then split lengthwise into halves
Clean out the pulp and seeds
by scraping the sides of the squash
with a knife or spoon
Save the "goo" in a bowl
the seeds can be cleaned, baked and eaten!
your cleaned squash will
look something like this...
now to turn a squash into spaghetti noodles...
Hold one squash half upright
scrap the inside with a fork
strands of squash appear similar to noodles
Both halves will make about 2-3 cups of noodles
your hulls will look like this when completely
cleaned out
I removed the dark spots in my noodles
caused by cooking
not really necessary but 
it makes your dish prettier.

Place a serving of squash noodles in a plate
Top with your favorite gluten-free marinara or meat sauce
and you have
Squash Spaghetti or is it Spaghetti Squash?
I was apprehensive about serving this to my hubby
he loved it so much
I'm making it for the guys at his office!
I love him 
 he's so unpredictable

Oh the squash-abilities,
The Happy Handicap

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

God gave me a Gift

God's gift to me...
It's a milestone!
The big 50!
Approaching this day,
 I've taken the time to reflect on things
especially since GOOGLE knows my name!
 I thank God for his blessings too numerous to list!
I also looked over my bucket list
 to see how I'm doing.
 I don't really have a list
 just some things penciled in my head.
 So far, so good!
You might say that I am
right where God wants me to be.
I would say maybe.
We have a lot more to do with the position
 of our lives than we accept responsibility for.
Please don't get me wrong.
God has complete control
 but we have to make decisions
based upon Godly knowledge
 and go forth trusting him.
I know God is pleased with many things
 in my life that honor him,
 i.e. my marriage, my children, my parents, my book, this blog, etc.
 but I also know he is waiting for me
 to do other things he has assigned me
 that I just haven't gotten to yet.
 Today, I challenge you and me
 to make a list of the things
 you know God has for you to do
 but you just can't seem to get around to it
 and next year, about this time,
 let's review our lists!
 If you say "Well...God hasn't told me
 anything he wants me to do."
(I can hear my mother saying that.) 
I say...
 "Have you asked him?"
we live for his pleasure,
 honor and glory,
 not our own.
 It may be just to completely
submit your life to him,
 it may be a big change
you've been struggling with,
 it may be helping your neighbor.
 Here's the thing...
you know what it is
 God gives us gifts every day!
 The wisemen brought him gifts...
What gifts have we given him?

Thankful for every gift,
The Happy Handicap

Share in a comment what gifts you've received from God. It's a great way to praise him!