Posts with the label inspiration
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Should You Say the Word "Hell" to Your Pastor?


VBS Week 2016 was July 31 - August 4! I love the anticipation, the energy and the fun before and during VBS. I almost enjoy the tiredness from a week well spent too.....almost. If you participate in Bible School, you know what I mean. This year, like last year, my girls and I were assigned the Kindergarten Boys class. We had eleven boys! 11 boys! E.L.E.V.E.N. B.O.Y.S.! After this week, I knew more than ever God does not make mistakes. I have two girls, one granddaughter and another granddaughter due in October. I'm suspecting my younger daughter will have girls also if and when she has children.

These boys were full of male DNA which makes them run and jump off of everything, have wiggle worms in their pants, pay attention only when they want to talk, explore all the room decorations to the point of destruction and melt a girl's heart like only a guy can. I'll admit it was rocky the first couple of evenings. The craft teachers voted me "Most Likely to Need a Xanax" and the music teacher (pictured) "blessed me" all week. When the pastor asked how it was going, I replied "I'm ready to get out of VBS hell!". My husband told me that was probably not appropriate so I'm hoping he thought I said VBS jail. His face told me otherwise. Should you say the word "hell" to your pastor?

I always, always, always receive inspiration and blessings at Vacation Bible School. Here's what I got this year:
  • One little lad announced unexpectedly we should pray RIGHT NOW! He led the sweetest and most humble prayer ever that caused Sloane to say "He prays better than me!". 
  • Directly after the awesome prayer, a little one raised his hand and politely explained "I don't know how to pray". This touched my heart so much we devoted lesson time the next day to "How to Pray".
  • An aunt of one of the boys told me how impressed his mom was with our class. He went home each day giving a detailed account of the Bible stories. I was excited to hear it because she's a school teacher!
  • Lisette, my granddaughter, obviously loved the story of Zacchaeus. She keeps saying "Jesus is coming".  After asking my husband several times "Do you see Jesus? He's right over there.", he got a bit unnerved.
  • I wore my hair down the final evening. I actually put on some mascara too. The same boy who prayed kept looking at me and raised his hand to speak. "You look beautiful today!" he said with dreamy eyes. I said "THANK YOU!" all heart-eyes.
Pure preciousness! A few simple actions erased all my hellish thoughts. These boys and I gained a great rapport in five short days. They amazed me with their answers each night. They made me want to teach VBS again. They engraved themselves on my heart. I love these little boys. Next year, I'm ready for some kindergarten GIRLS!

I'm seriously wondering should you say the word "hell" to your pastor as I did? Leave me a comment and let me know if saying "The Word" to my pastor was inappropriate....

Blessed at VBS,
The Happy Handicap.

Should You Say the Word "Hell" to Your Pastor?

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Gross but Good

grumpy cat
photo credit: Grumpy Cat
I am warning you. You may find the details gross but the message is good. Lisette, my almost three-year-old granddaughter hasn't felt well this week. She's been kinda draggy, just not herself. We checked for a fever. We monitored her cough. We ignored her misbehavior because we knew she felt bad. Still, we couldn't put our fingers on anything specific.

Rewind to yesterday about 5:30 pm. "Sette", as she calls herself, climbed up in my lap as I sat in my rocking chair and went to sleep. Two things unusual about that. She never wants me to rock her anymore and she would rather avoid a nap than take one. Lying her in the bed, I decided she was tired from not feeling well. She woke up like a grumpy cat a few hours later.

Earlier that day, she'd draped a towel across her head asking "Do I look silly with this hoodie on my head?" I said "No! You look like Mary, Mother of Jesus!" Her large imagination liked this idea immediately pretending I was Jesus and she was Mary. After waking from her nap, she once again donned her "hoodie" pretending to be Mary. She came to sit in Jesus's lap still sitting in his rocking chair.

We were playing when she said "Jesus, my stomach is hurting. Will you rub it?" I gently laid her back to rub. Throw up spewed from that sweet baby's mouth by the gallon. I quickly picked her up so she didn't strangle while her mom grabbed a bag because she continued to vomit. I had foul-smelling chunks from my neck to my knees. Literally covered in throw up! After Sydnee took her to the bathroom, I sat motionless.

I HATE vomit! I'm one of those people who just can't deal with it. I couldn't even clean up my kids when they did it. Thankfully, their Dad did! I'm thinking to myself, don't gag or you're gonna be covered in two human's stomach matter. I tried to stand but my lap was full. I felt the stuff oozing everywhere (even into my prostheses) when I moved so I sat still until my husband brought me a towel. I inched my way to another bathroom. Luckily, the chunks stuck to me like glue. The floor was safe. Carefully, I raised the neck of my t-shirt over my head, removed it, my shorts, my underwear and naked I went out into the dark world to scrape the chunks from my clothes to get them into the washer. Then, I showered.

During the episode, I prayed for Lisette. I sat there with her vomit all over me thinking about her. God showed me something beautiful through the grossness. We vomit on God. We sin against him and it is ugly. It stinks. It fills his nostrils with stench. He sees it, smells it, feels it but his Excellency is only thinking about us. How much he loves us. How much he wants to forgive us. How much he desires a right relationship with us through his son, Jesus. I am so thankful that when we've covered God's lap with our filth, he's still mighty to save. Still forgiving, merciful, kind, patient and loving. He's the Dad that cleans his children!
I thought this was so cute and funny....

While Lisette was playing Mary, she asked if I (Jesus) wanted to go into another room to play. I said sure I do. She took my hand excitedly saying,
"Come on Jesus, there's plenty of room in the den!"

Feeling clean,
The Happy Handicap

I welcome all comments.

Gross but Good

Friday, August 26, 2016

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Four Types of Stares: Which One are You?

I cracked up when I ran across this comic yesterday. It reminds me I've been stared at my entire life and how insanely ridiculous stares are. Never seen a short woman limp before? People's stares used to bother me but now I relish them. I even miss them! If I go to a public place and people don't stare, I'm offended! Did people all of of sudden get polite or am I invisible? I seriously ask my husband and kids "Why aren't people staring at me today?" 

My husband is learning to process people's gazes. He requires oxygen. You would think he has leprosy the way people look at him with a cannula in his nose pulling an oxygen tank. He almost gets more attention than me. I don't care if they stare. (Steve calls me an exhibitionist.) I just want to understand why people can't take their eyes off of me. Now, Steve is another story. He don't want to go out in public anymore due to the stares. He's always been a very private person. Me? I'll seductively pull down my long black socks and show you my prosthetics if you want to see them!

Over the years, I've classified four stare types. They are:
  1. The Sneaky Stare. This type starer notices me but glances straight ahead like they're not going to stare. I walk toward them and at the very last second when we're walking past each other, when they KNOW I'm not going to know they stared, they quickly shift their eyes in my direction for that gratuitous look-see! CAUGHT! Uhhhh, you're not sneaky at all and if you'd just ask me, I'd share my story with you!
  2. The Blatant Stare. This bold starer just don't care if they get caught. They gawk, turn around in circles to make sure they seen what they think they saw and will probably ask me "What happened to your foot?", "Did you hurt your foot?", "Were you born with Polio?" etc. I've heard them all. Please...stare all you want but don't jeopardize my dignity by playing 20 questions.
  3. The Backwards Stare. This type's curiosity gets the best of them. They're cool and collected when they notice Tammy has a problem. They don't want me to feel uncomfortable or "stared at" so they look away, until, I get by them. Then they look back at me trying to politely figure me out until they realize I know their type. When my eyes meet theirs, it's over! CAUGHT! I've often wished they would turn into a pillar of salt.
  4. The Apologetic Stare. This is the worst starer ever. Bless their hearts. They mean well, but when you're stared at the entire length of a 10 mile mall it's difficult to accept those Basset Hound hung down jaws and sad baggy eyes that seem to say "I'm so sorry you're hurt and limping." Really. People. It's okay!!! If you sincerely feel that sorry for me, hand me a dollar or the keys to a new car with a disabled tag. Please don't stare!

2 Corinthians 12:10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

I made it my calling to teach my children to accept others as God made them. That's a whole 'nother subject because mostly people are the way the world has made them.

My favorite personal wisdom is this: If everyone had something "different" to deal with.....people would be "different", possibly even polite. If you gotta stare, stare hard to see the good in people not to figure out the bad.

Here's looking at you,
The Happy Handicap

Four Types of Stares: Which One are You?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Coming Clean: my Secret Addiction

finding nemo
James 5:16 Confess you faults one to another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteousness man availeth much. 

Lisette and I watched Finding Nemo yesterday. Do you ever feel like Bruce? He's the shark that loves to eat fish. My favorite scene in the movie is when he confesses his addiction. Hi. My name is Tammy. I'm addicted to eating at midnight or after. Seriously! I wake up every night and simply cannot resist the urge to eat. I started this bad habit with my first pregnancy 28 years ago! I still cannot control it. And, it's mostly sugary perfection. 

You're probably thinking don't buy yourself treats or don't make them, right? I'm that smart. But, don't you just love a warm, crispy toasted piece of fresh bread with melted butter, sugar and cinnamon on it? I do! Yes. I'm that pathetic midnight snacker you see in commercials or movies ransacking the pantry or fridge for food. I've actually woken up with crumbs on my clothes that I don't know how they got there. I'm confessing this to you so maybe I can stop this insanity.

I'm thankful and surprised I'm not overly overweight. That's my body with Bruce's head in the picture. Eating at midnight is terrible for my digestive system. I feel awful the morning after. I'm allergic to sugar and most food chemicals. The allergic reaction causes baggy, saggy eyes. I wrote a blog entitled 5 Tips for Problem Eyes hoping I'd follow my own advice. Nothing has worked so far. Just last night I ate seven or eight little chocolate donuts after midnight. I made it all better by washing them down with water. I can't walk to exercise due to my disability so minimizing food consumption is the only way I have to control my weight. 

My bad habit probably seems silly to you. Midnight snacking is extremely frustrating to me. Embarrassing even. I could probably be a cat burglar I've become so good at sneaking in and out of the pantry so my husband doesn't catch me. I know he knows! One night I was in the pantry with the door closed, my daughter and her boyfriend came home from a date settling into the den to watch TV. I was trapped in the pantry for three hours in my t-shirt and undies. There was no way I could get past them without being seen in my shirttail. I'm surprised they didn't hear me laughing at myself and then almost crying when the reality of being a 51 year-old-woman trapped in a pantry controlled by my own sugar vices struck.

As James 5:16 instructs, please pray for me if I cross your mind. I would love to be healed of this mind game.They say "mind over matter", but it's more like "mind wrapped around a Twinkie and won't let go"! I'd appreciate your tips on overcoming habits/addictions if you've successfully done it. Reply to this email or email me at Confession is good for the body and soul.

Feeling crumby,

Coming Clean: my Secret Addiction

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday, July 30, 2015

End of Season Sale

end of season sale
Are you a clearance shopper? I am! I love a good bargain. My mom taught me this skill. She anxiously awaits the end of every sale season. I will not pay full price for anything. I will make myself settle for something 75% off whether it is what I'm looking for or not. I'm not stingy.(My mom reminds me all the time how much money I waste on eating out!) I simply enjoy the thrill of low-cost treasures at "end of season" sales. I will admit as I've gotten older I've tried to limit purchases during clearance sales. When my girls were young, I bought their clothes a season or two ahead because I could get three times as much for my money. Age does bring wisdom. I limit shopping now because I don't want a huge amount of mindless clutter for someone to have to auction off when I check out. Seriously, I think about it. Now, I never purchase anything until I'm ready for it and actually need it.

Do we treat salvation the same way? I hear a lot of people say "I'll go to church when I'm ready." or "When I need Jesus, I'll go." As I was surfing department store websites this week for clearance sales, I pondered how many people wait to the very end of their life's season to accept Jesus. Our freedom cost him his life. Salvation isn't getting any cheaper. Christ bestows redemption freely. However, you can't and won't be stingy to accept it. Salvation will cost you your pride, anger, resentment, fearfulness and every other human imperfection I could name. You will have to give it all to Jesus. Godly peace is the still the best bargain around.

Am I really getting the best deals waiting for end of season sales? 
1. I'm not really getting what I want, I'm settling for what's available.
2. I could have been enjoying my purchases for a lot longer time.
3. I would cherish something that costs me more. 

These same truths apply to our salvation.
1. Jesus can help you get out of life what you really want instead of settling for what comes your way.He's not only a ticket out of hell but he's a provider of a better life now.  I'm talking about things that matter most in life like love, family, fellowship, faith, etc. Let him guide your life with righteousness.

2. Accepting Jesus is the sweetest thing you'll ever do at any age. But, a rebirth early on in life allows you to enjoy him a lot longer here!

3. As the old saying goes, when you have "skin in the game" or you apply all of yourself to something, you cherish it, you care for it, you protect it with your life. 

Jesus has "skin in the game". He protects you and me with his life. Don't wait for the end of the season to get a better bargain. There isn't one. Don't wait until you're ready, come when Jesus calls. Don't play the waiting game too much. You may be penalized for delay of game, get setback 10 yards and the clock run out while you're trying to make a decision. Or worse. You could be that ugly sweater that never gets purchased! End of season sales are fabulous and Jesus does attend them but allow him to pick you off the rack now. He's already paid full price!

Don't wait,
The Happy Handicap

End of Season Sale

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

5 Things to Do When God is Silent

What is happening when God is silent? I'm not exactly sure but I'd like to share five things that may help you through the quiet times.

I routinely do two things when I get into my car; put on my seat belt and my sunglasses. I can see better if light isn't blinding me. What happens on a rainy day? I put on my sunglasses and can't see. I have to take them off to allow light to reach my eyes. I think the same instances happen in our spiritual lives. We routinely block out "too much God" keeping him at a distance. As long as we can hear him, feel him and know He's present; we pray routine prayers, attend routine church services and lead routine lives. When God is silent, we can't feel him and begin to wonder where He is. We feverishly start searching for the light, His Light!

The Bible says in Pslam 28:1 "Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit." What's in the pit? Darkness! The same kind of darkness we feel when God is silent and the darkness we see when we wear sunglasses on an overcast day.

Five Things to Do When God is Silent:

  1. Praise Him. Tell God how powerful and mighty He is. Let him know you believe he's busy orchestrating his grand plan and you're available when he's ready to talk.
  2. Repent. We haven't sinned every time God is silent. But, repentance is a fresh cleansing for the soul. Repenting feels so good! 
  3. Hold On. He's Coming. Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. He's always near you even when you can't hear him or feel him. Soon you'll feel him slip his hand into yours or hug you with those great big arms. Everything's gonna be alright!
  4. Listen Attentively. Do you ever start your day expecting to hear from God? I do! Sometimes I get troubled and don't listen as closely as I should. I couldn't write last week. This week, I've had my heart open and listening with elephant ears!
  5. Believe Him....for everything. He is able. 

Have you ever been given the "silent treatment" by your spouse or your children or maybe you've given someone the silent treatment? Has someone ever begged you to talk? God may be giving us the silent treatment so we'll beg him to speak to us. He may be silent so we will become better listeners. Whatever the cause, you know the reason God is silent in your life. Break your routine. Take those stunner shades off and let the Son shine in!

Listening more intently,
The Happy Handicap

What do you do when God is silent in your life? Comments are welcomed.

5 Things to Do When God is Silent

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sonspiration Sunday #1

And in the morning when I rise,
He brings a tear of joy to my eyes
And tells me everything is gonna be alright...

Sonspiration Sunday #1

Sunday, August 10, 2014