Does this ever happen to you?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sloane invited a new beau to dinner the other night.  I emailed her 5 menus for Ben to choose from. A meal just turns out better when you cook something people like!  He picked chicken and rice, broccoli and cream corn.  I've got good cookware, plenty of time and I don't need a recipe for these dishes.  I got this!  Dinner was set for 7 pm and somewhere between noon and 3...

I got nervous!  Does this ever happen to you?  Everything is under control and the next thing you know you are making googly eyes at the wine bottles every time you open the refrigerator for an ingredient.  So what if the wine is for cooking purposes, today it may be for settlin' my nerves!

We sat down to eat.  I made the mistake of asking Ben if he wanted to bless the food.  He said "I can but I usually say it silently to myself".  AWKWARD!  My husband said "We'll just all do our own blessin' silently to ourselves!".  I felt bad but he did have a cross necklace dangling on his chest.  I didn't want to end up like Trey and I in Memphis. Trey dug in and our guest was waiting to say the blessing before he started eating.  Again, awkward! 

Sloane's first words with a puckered face were "Shew this chicken and rice is salty".  My mind immediately went to my last salting and taste test thinking to myself "That might be a little salty".  One by one each of us tasted of the casserole.  I agreed just a tad salty but Ben said "I like it.  My Dad even salts his pizza".  Not sure what his Dad's salt habits had to do with anything, but he sounded so sweet saying it.  My nervousness was going away when Steve said "If any deers come up in the yard tonight we can put out this chicken and rice and they'll think it's a salt block!"  I started laughing hysterically and could not stop.  No, I hadn't drunk a drop but was wishin' I had to explain my bizarre behavior.

The conversation was nice.  It was a successful dinner.  I found out Ben don't like broccoli when he passed the bowl without getting any.  He's studying to be a fitness expert.  He was telling us how he knows what to eat and what not to eat.  In the most innocent way possible, I said "Is that why you didn't eat any broccoli and picked all the celery out of your chicken and rice?"  He said "Well, yeah".  And Steve proceeded to tell us he eats broccoli because it chews up all the bad stuff.  I think that's called an antioxidant.

                                                                        Ben & Sloane
Ben's a great guy with an awesome personality! I'm sure he thinks we are kin to the Clampetts. He seemed to like our critters too.  I hope he comes back real soon.

Whining and Dining,
The Happy Handicap
