Tuesday, August 19, 2014

3 Holes in the #ShareaCoke Campaign

I have a love/hate relationship with Coke. I admit there is nothing more pleasing than the thirst-quenching taste of Coke. That sweet 10 teaspoons of sugary goodness billowing out of a bottle and splashing into your mouth tingling your tongue with a dash of effervescence! Definitely sensual and almost sexy. Then there's that awkward after-Coke regret.

I always hate that I've just drunk poison, albeit a great tasting poison. Coke has the same rotten effect on my body every time I allow that rich dark liquid to penetrate my lips, stain my teeth and erode my esophagus as it spills down my gullet to make war with my stomach acids. I'm not sure which one is stronger; the Coke acid or my stomach acid? I can never cover up the morning after fact that I've drunk a Coke due to the tell tell sign. The delicate skin under my eyes look like I somehow turned into a basset hound during the night.
bassett hound

My love/hate relationship is not the subject of this post. The unsettling experience I had while selecting a Coke from my local Dollar General cooler is! I hadn't shopped for a single 20 oz. Coke since the #ShareaCoke campaign began. I had bought a 12-pack. I can't remember anything distressing about reaching for a 12-pack #ShareaCoke can.  But, as I stood in front of that cooler with the door open trying to decide, I ran into the following 3 holes in this particular advertising campaign:

  1. The very first Coke I saw opening the cooler was the name of my first high school sweetheart. "Awwww! How sweet." It might have been a Hallmark moment if he hadn't passed away several years ago. For a split second, I thought about sharing a Coke with him and then remembered he was no longer here. For Coke's sake, I'm glad I didn't close the cooler and go home depressed. I pushed past the sour emotions until I found the perfect bottle.  #ShareaCoke with Steve...my husband! "Awwww! How sweet!" Finding the perfect named bottle felt good but I still have doubt about the coziness of this campaign.
  2. It felt eerie and downright strange for me to select a Coke to share with a stranger. I saw Kim, Alex and Kyle. I know a Kim or two, one Alex came to mind and so did one Kyle but I've never shared a Coke with any of them so I didn't feel all warm and fuzzy about buying their bottles. Am I the only one that finds it weird to buy a Coke with someone's name on the bottle you don't know?  I finally found two Diet Cokes that I was comfortable buying that said "Friends" and "Family". 
  3. "Friends" and "Family" reminded me more of a Sprint cell phone commercial than it did Coke. Whatever happened to the 1979 campaign  "Have a Coke and a Smile" or the 2009 campaign "Open Happiness"? I wouldn't have wasted so much of my time simply buying a soft drink with either of these campaigns and I'd be thinking happy thoughts while doing it.
I wish I had the money to buy the world a Coke and keep it company. Grow apple trees and honey bees and snow white turtle doves. But I think perfect harmony can best be kept in the Coke world without putting names on Coke bottles. I wonder if Coke stopped to think about how miserable the people feel who can't find their names on a bottle? I haven't asked my daughters Sydnee and Sloane if they've found their names yet. Chances are high they haven't!

Halfheartedly sharing,
The Happy Handicap

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mom-ism Monday #14

My mother-in-law Elizabeth Fronnie Stafford was a ringtail tooter! Oops! Nobody, I mean not one soul was supposed to know her middle name. She hated it! Lizzy left us in 1997 but her mom-isms are alive and thriving in our family.

I never really understood the extremely dire meaning in the mom-ism for today until I read the poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. You can read it here. When Elizabeth didn't shower or she'd had a hard, sweaty day at work or if she was just generally unkempt on a lazy day, she'd always apologize for her looks by saying...

After reading the dreary poem which ends:
Such was the wreck of the Hesperus,
      In the midnight and the snow!
Christ save us all from a death like this,
      On the reef of Norman's Woe!
I'm figuring looking like The Wreck of the Hesperus is as ugly and ghastly as one can get! 

Are you familiar with the poem? I hope you are now and...you have a new way to say "I look terrible!"

Learning new poetry,
The Happy Handicap

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Word of the Day - Kinkered

"Word of the Day" is...

Does your family make-up or change words? And then use them in every day conversations? We do! Kinkered is my Dad's substitute word for "canker" or "cankered". Yeah, you know... the necrotic fungal disease that grows on the barks of trees or an ulcerous condition such as ear cankers! The word is multi-talented. Kinkered can be used as a noun or a verb.

I thought of this particular word of the day from our crazy made-up language our family uses. The other day when my Dad was eating a Cadbury egg. Yes, from Easter 2014, way back in April. He was carefully peeling the foil paper from the edges of the egg and experiencing great difficulty as the foil refused to let go of the old chocolate. I said "You know that egg is from Easter. It's only 4 or 5 months old." My mom coaxed him on "Candy don't ruin!" I continued with a worried look saying "It's got a spot on the side of it." My Dad wielded his handy dandy pocket knife to investigate the spot. He said "That thang goes all the way through!" I said laughing "Don't eat that thang. It's KINKERED!" 

He ate it. Every bite. He also licked the chocolate off his fingers. He said "I've eaten older things than this and I'm still here." It's been five days since he ate the egg and all is well. I guess kinker won't kill ye. 

Put the word to work in your vocabulary. It's fun and functional! Have you ever heard of it or used it? Leave me a comment. :)

Crazy talk 365,

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Disney Maleficent Prize Pack Giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. 

Enter to Win the Reebok Maleficent Giveaway Pack 
Something wicked could be coming back to school! Five lucky winners will receive the Reebok Maleficent Giveaway Pack: the limited edition Maleficent Top Down Sneaker, a Disney Maleficent Backpack & Beanie, and a $100 Reebok.com gift card! Bring a little of the dark side to the first day of school! Contest ends 8/20, so click here to get your entry in today!

While you're back-to-school shopping, don't forget to check out all of the Disney-themed Reebok shoes to find this year's new favorite pair for your little ones!

Hope you win these sweet shoes,
The Happy Handicap

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

10 Simple Yet Extraordinary Ways to Please Jesus

1. LOVE HIM. Matthew 22:37. Remember that crazy love you had for a boyfriend or girlfriend that may or may not have become your spouse? Passionate love convincing you that you couldn't live without them. Love Jesus like that! You really can't live without him.

2. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. Mark 12:31. If you love your neighbor as yourself, you'd grill him a steak or have the pizza delivery guy stop at her house before yours.

3. REMEMBER HIM. I Corinthians 11:24-25. When is the last time you took communion in his honor?

4. BELIEVE HIM. John 14:1. Believe him like you believe your power bill will come in the mail this month.

5.  HAVE FAITH. Matthew 21:21. I'd like for Steve to wake up one morning, look out our window and notice Fort Mountain has moved, even if it's an inch, he'll notice! Then I'd like to say "Yeah, my faith did that!"

6. JUDGE NOT. Matthew 7:1. Jesus is my measuring stick. I said "my" not "yours".

7. SHOW HIM OFF. Luke 8:39. Your child scores the winning run. Do you relive it over and over by telling everyone you know and some people you don't? Tell others about Jesus with the same enthusiasm!

8. PRAISE HIM. I Peter 2:9-10. Can't think of anything to say? Sing that song you learned in Bible School to him. Praise him, Praise him, All ye little children, God is love, God is love.

9. THANK HIM. I Thessalonians 5:18. For EVERYTHING! Don't leave anything out.

10. LIVE. Luke 20:38 Need a little extra life in you? Read the scriptures I've noted. God's Word is alive. If you read and believe (oh, and also please), it will put some pep in your step!

Can you think of ways to please Jesus to add to this list? Leave me a comment with your thoughts.

Aiming to please,
The Happy Handicap