Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What inspires you?


Inspiration is a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation. Another definition is the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions. That's the definition. The question is "Are you inspired?" Can your emotions be moved easily or does it take a ton truck with a wench? Last week, a pop song inspired me. Can a non-gospel song really inspire? In my heart and head...ABSOLUTELY!

Job 32:8 says "But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." This verse explains to me that my spirit, if given understanding from God, can be inspired by anything. If I understand love with Godly knowledge, a love song can move me. Thinking about being inspired inspires me! If you're like me, I can't go but one or two days without being inspired. I feel unconnected, dull and basically useless because it's take the ability to be inspire!

Enough about me, what about you? What inspires you? What has inspired you lately? I love to get comments from you telling me you enjoy reading my writing. I pray you find something in my words that inspires you. Inspiration to love deeper, praise truer, accept more and worship daily! We can do these things everyday in praising our children, loving our neighbor and accepting diversity. Matthew 25:40 says "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto  one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." This is Jesus speaking.

     Christ is our inspiration. Let's Live Inspired!
Getting inspired,
The Happy Handicap

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wraps and Foils

good hair
photo by

What this blog post is not. Did the title cause your mind to dream of some fantastic new hair or nail product? I must admit it crossed my mind but nope, this post is about wraps and foils you'll most likely find in your kitchen!
Plastic Wrap and Aluminum Foil

Do you have the same problem with your wraps and foil that I do? I try to stack them neatly on top of each other to have them fall in the floor or usually torpedo at me from a shelf taller than me like they've been waiting for me to open the door to yell "Ready, Aim, Fire!" I know it's a pantry conspiracy against me! You laugh but it truly is a conspiracy against me. This is how I used to organize my wrap and foil.

I used this "no-so-attractive" yet very functional organizer neatly nailed on the inside of my pantry out of everyone's eyesight but my own. Here's the conspiracy part. The hole in the roll is too small to fit this organizer anymore! I figure Reynolds is trying to save money or some such nonsense unaware they are causing me great anguish with my aluminum foil and plastic wrap. Now, Bounty on the other hand still has a hole big enough to fit the pole!

My solution to this whole small hole problem is this new kitchen wrap organizer. Only $6.99!

This is the way my foils and wraps looked in my pantry before the organizer.

This is the way it looks installed. So simple, no tools needed, just place where you want it.

This is the exquisitely organized, non-threatening way it looks now! Voila! So much easier!

So, these companies can't "holed" me down....I'll just find another way to organize. How about you? Have you completed any neat organizing projects lately? Leave me a comment and tell me all about it. I may need to put it on my project list too!

Holey organization Batman,
The Happy Handicap

Saturday, July 20, 2013

How Deep is your Love?

Ahhhh! Michael Buble's new album "To Be Loved"! Everyone wants to be loved. Sloane loves Michael Buble'. She bought the new album last week. The cover song "To Love Somebody" is a remake of the 1967 Barry Gibb song sung by The Bee Gees. Listen to it here.  Listen to it 3 or 4 times, feel it! While I was listening to his version of the song, I felt what Barry Gibb wrote  "I live and breathe for you".  My heart melted and I couldn't hold back my tears. I'm so lucky, fortunate, blessed or whatever you want to call it to have someone that I love this much and he loves me, unconditionally. I don't have to be the prettiest or skinniest woman or have the longest legs.  Know why? Because he loves me and I love him. I text him a little message  that said "You don't know what it's like to love somebody the way I love you." He sweetly replied "I feel it every day. I love you!" He always knows what to say.

This week I still pondered the song. I imagined God saying to his people, each and every one of us, individually, "You don't know what it's like to love somebody the way I love you." What a thought! Jesus lives for us and gives us breath. He so loved us that he gave his only begotten son, John 3:16. The Bible speaks of "unfeigned" love. By definition, it's a love that is genuine, sincere, honest, true, real and unaffected. Do you have love like God? A love that is so genuine, so sincere, so honest and so real that it is unaffected by circumstance, anger or selfishness? A true love? The Bible isn't talking about a romantic love but rather unfeigned love for your fellow man. Now do you have it?

Feeling loved,
The Happy Handicap

Leave me a comment and let me know you know what I'm talking about.... ;)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Meet Kathy W. Mashburn, Author of "A Birthday Clown for Archer"

This adorable clown face is on a page in Kathy's new book A Birthday Clown for Archer.  Kathy is an intriguing lady with a sweet smile and warm spirit. Kathy and I attended Murray County High School together (no dates required). We share a passion for writing, our faith and love for our families. I want you to get to know Kathy as I do and I know you'll love her too. You can buy her book by clicking the link of the title above. I'll give you Kathy's contact info later, after our interview, because I know you'll want to contact her for your own special reason.

Kathy, what or who inspired you to write?
I began writing in the fifth grade when my teacher, Mrs. Brannock, gave an assignment to keep a daily journal about something going on in our lives. Handing me a thin red spiral notebook to write in, she couldn't have known the profound impact it would have on me in years to come. That simple wire-bound notebook became a bible of sorts to me as I captured my every thoughts, ideas, and dreams inside its pages.

In high school, Dr. Peggy Quarles further inspired me to write. She ignited my passions instructing our class to again write daily journals. By then journaling had become a habit, and her renewed request caused an even greater appreciation in reading, writing, and storytelling in me. It is because of Dr. Quarles's encouragement and advice to write about anything and everything lurking behind the doors of my imagination, that I continue to keep pen and paper handy every day.

Are you a fulltime or part-time writer?

I am definitely a part-time writer, but I consider myself a writer with a fulltime commitment.  I can’t
remember a single day I have not written in my journal, or scratched out a new idea or story, or scribbled random thoughts on a napkin while dining.  Writing is a part of everything I do.  Most days I set my alarm clock to awake an hour earlier than I need to prepare for my full-time paid job.  I enjoy writing so much I keep index cards on my nightstand to write down my dreams on the occasion I am lucky enough to remember them when I wake.

Where do you draw your inspirations from?
Everywhere!  Seriously, I am inspired by so many things like people, places, my family, my friends, and news events.   I am a good listener, so I pay attention to snatches of conversations around me to get ideas.  I consider this unintentional eavesdropping because people everywhere talk openly about their lives, their pets, their jobs, etc., which often turns into a story or an idea for a project.   I also practice really looking to see things with a ‘curious eye’.   I try to see things differently than others might.

What types of writing are you interested in?
I’ve published three books in three different genres.  My first publication was How to Swap Batches of Cookies and Candy with Others, plus 115 Great Recipes.  This book came about for two reasons.  The first was to find a way to have fun on a budget with my family during Christmas holidays, while the other was to learn all I could about the world of publishing.   I had been attending workshops at a local university on writing, so I decided the best way to understand the jargon and business was to get my feet wet.

 My second publication is a fun “Madea-like” story titled Mrs. Baxter Swarms Mount Vernon High School.  She an eccentric grandma who takes things into her own hands to get to the bottom of the troubles her grandson, Norman, get’s himself into a few days before his graduation.  She is a wacky and fun lady that’s sure to have readers laughing out loud.

That brings me to the recent publication of my children’s book A Birthday Clown for Archer.  This is a simple story about a little boy who wants a clown for his birthday, but his Mom is afraid and says, “NO WAY!”   In the story Archer does his best to convince her clowns are not scary at all.  What my readers may not know is one of my children was terrified of clowns growing up.  As parents we often imprint our beliefs, our likes, our dislikes and our fears upon others.  Since writing this book, many of my readers have shared their personal phobias, including Coulrophobia or “Clown-phobia.”  This book is meant to spark conversations regarding the fears and joys surrounding clowns.

I enjoy writing in different genres just as my life has many different facets.  I am currently working on an inspirational book titled Living in the Midst of God’s Plan, a documentary titled A Day in the Life of Beekeeper, and two other children’s books titled Wiggy Wanda and Santa, Are You Ready?   Readers can learn more about these projects and others on my website.

What was your greatest “Ah-ha” moment as a writer?

By far, it is when readers turn out to see me at a book signing.  I am both honored and humbled when someone takes his or her time to visit with me.  It’s a special feeling when someone spends their money to buy my books, especially when they request me to sign it.  That’s my favorite ah-ha moment!

Any advice for others who wish to write and be published?
I would tell them to NEVER give up!  I would also tell them to do a test run by sharing their work with others, including their audience.  This will help them sharpen their skills as a writer, especially since an audience is the best frontline when it comes to gathering honest feedback.

If you would like to request an interview, schedule an appearance or speaking engagement, or arrange a book signing with Kathy, please email her at She promises to reply to all emails within 48 hours. Kathy's musings may also be found at her blog, My Writer's Corner.

Excited for a fellow writer and friend,
The Happy Handicap
Leave me a comment and let me know if you've read any of Kathy's books!

Monday, July 15, 2013

The 5th Annual Hottest Bible Study Expo

Bible Study Expo 2013
Can we call a Bible Study hot? I think so! Especially if it is FREE and includes some of the hottest women's Bible Study authors. These impressive women are published by Regal, Zondervan, Kregel, Bethany House and more! The line-up includes:

Liz Curtis Higgs
Suzanne Ellers
Elisa Morgan
Leighann McCoy
Susie Larson
Sheryl Pellatiro
Sue Edwards
Mindy Ferguson 
Carla McDougal 

The 2013 Bible Study Expo
Thursday, July 18, 2013, 12-3 PM Central Time, at
For more information about the Bible Study Expo, visit
To register for the chance to win one of the free books being given away during each interview segment, visit the Expo hub at

It's FREE (no charge)
 It's ONLINE (guests listen in by phone or web)
It's AWESOME (totally)
Study to show thyself approved (2 Timothy 2:15),
The Happy Handicap