Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to see in 3-D without Glasses!

Do you like to travel? I do! I'm leaving for London and Paris on June 29th with a group of seven. Why do I like to travel? I love to see new things!...

Monday, June 10, 2013

3 Proven Ways to Fall Asleep

Sleeplessness! Eek! It's a common complaint among women during their wiser years. My Mom is robbed of sleep every night. Insomnia can't...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

New Giveaway #3 - Enter Now

My husband likes motorcycles! Just like Humpty Dumpty, he took this one apart. Smarter than the King's Men, he put it back together again!!! Shamey...

Friday, June 7, 2013

You talking to me?

Do you ask God for advice? Do you pray for answers to your situations or problems? Then wait for God to speak?  When God speaks, you hear what...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

5 Ways Not to Shop for a Beach Home in Florida

Sloane and I made a fast road trip to Panama City Beach yesterday. Fast equals leaving at 9:00 am Tuesday morning and getting home at 5:00 am...