Posts with the label encouragement
Showing posts with label encouragement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label encouragement. Show all posts

Saturday, May 6, 2017

When Thou Shalt Not becomes Thou Shalt

thou shalt not
Have you had a month like me? Life gets in the way. Tammy gets in the way. Tammy lets life put things in the way. Yes, getting side-tracked and off-track describes April 2017 for me! I haven't written a newsletter since March 22.

One of my favorite pastors always said "If you can hold it, do. But if you can't hold it, we want to hear from you!" This thought has been rolling around in my heart and head for longer than a couple of months.  So, today, you're hearing from me 'cause I can't hold it any longer.

What happens when thou shalt not becomes thou shalt? 

God spoke the ten commandments into existence in Exodus 20. Most of us can quote the six or seven "Thou Shalt Not's" from memory that God carved into a stone tablet. These commandments give us guidelines of what we should not do. Thou shalt not kill, steal or lie. Thou shalt not curse, have affairs or want your neighbor's stuff. Thou shalt have no other gods before me or worship graven images. Thou shalt not means it's a no-no, don't do it, not-ta, no sirree!

Fast forward to the birth of Jesus and let's look at his "Thou Shalt's" in Mark 12:30-32. There are only two. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like this, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The "Thou Shalt Not's" were wrapped into two simple commandments. When you love God and your neighbour, you don't desire to kill, steal or lie, curse, commit adultery or want their stuff. When the Lord thy God is first in your life, everything else falls into the right places.

Isn't it a miracle to think about how Jesus changed the world? From law to grace. From guilty to not guilty. From condemnation to righteousness. From death to life. From lost to found. What happens when thou shalt not becomes thou shalt? A world is saved. A Kingdom is come. Grace is sufficient. There is Peace on earth. Goodwill to men.

Most people don't come to church to hear what they should do but what they shouldn't do. Let us be encouraged for what thou shalt do because there is none other commandment greater than these two. Jesus simplified things for his people. We don't have to remember ten, only two.

It's no longer
but rather

Commanded to love,
The Happy Handicap

When Thou Shalt Not becomes Thou Shalt

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Are You Bad Enough to Become a Christian?

bad christians

Jesus probably did a facepalm when the Pharisees said to his disciples, "Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?". The religious leaders of the day didn't understand why Jesus would bother with these bad people. Accordingly, many religious people today, like the Pharisees, will allow their own perceived righteousness to hinder their salvation dooming their souls forever.

The question is not if you are good enough to be a Christian. You will never be good enough. Jesus answered to someone who called him Good Master, "Why are you calling me good? there is none good but one, that is, God". That is Jesus speaking. HELLO! He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and he doesn't refer to himself as good. Some people put themselves into the good column when they don't let alcohol touch their godly lips or if they attend church every service or when they defend their goodness with someone else's failures (ex. they curse and I don't). Christianity isn’t based on good works. 

The question is are you bad enough to become a Christian? Every person must realize their bad condition; unclean and in need of redemption. Jesus offers free guilt and sin removal. Do you tell lies, steal, cheat, have extramarital affairs, curse, disrespect your parents, or kill others with a gun or your mouth? Do you have hate in your heart? Do you simply know that you're not good? Do you know that you have sinned and fell short of God's glory? Good. You're good! We all have done these things. WE ARE ALL SINNERS! The Bible says so. You are just the type of person Jesus is looking for. Each and every one of us are bad enough to become a Christian if we will realize our fallen sin nature and ask Jesus to forgive us. Forgiven is received with a broken heart and a simple prayer of submission.

When Jesus heard the religious leaders inquiring about him eating with sinners, he answered "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." You may also paraphrase as "They that be good need not a savior but they that are bad."  Jesus is the way for sinners to repent and receive eternal life and blessings.

Quit trying to be good enough to get into heaven. Ain't happening! Jesus is the only name given whereby we must be saved. He can't save you if you think you're good. Bad is a redeemable quality. You'll never be too bad or too dirty or done too much for Jesus to save. Then, with Jesus as your savior, good will flow out of you by his spirit but it still doesn't make you good, it makes you whole, redeemed and forgiven.

Are you bad enough to become a Christian? If not, just be yourself. You'll get there in no time at all! Promise.

Bad and Forgiven,
The Happy Handicap

Are You Bad Enough to Become a Christian?

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Modern-Day Miracle


Do you want a miracle or a mess is the title of a blog post I published just 35 days ago where I asked  you to help us pray for our dilemma; Steve's medicine costing $852 for a four week month and $1065 for a five-weeker! Thank you for your prayers. We received a modern-day miracle.

Everyone involved has been very sympathetic to Steve's need. Dr. Staton at Emory Clinic has been working hard with Encompass Pharmacy to get the brand Imuran approved. The generic Azathioprine doesn't work for Steve. The cheapest I found Imuran (with an internet coupon) was $213 per week for 30 pills. I bought one week at a time hoping for help soon. Roberta, the nurse at Emory called me every couple of days to give me status updates. Dr. Staton wrote an addendum to the patient file to finally satisfy the insurance company.

Yesterday morning at 8 a.m., I received a call from Envision Drugs that Imuran was approved! Can you hear the Hallelujah Chorus playing in my head? I immediately called the pharmacy. They agreed it was approved with a copay of $450 per month. Good news interrupted with bad. The pharmacy tech quickly informed me they were filing an exception appeal to reduce the cost. I said "Well, I got Steve a grant and it may not be necessary." I gave them the information and guess what?

A Modern-Day MIRACLE!
The pharmacy tech said "I'll fedex the Imuran to your address by this Thursday with a copay of zero dollars!" Yes, that's right, FREE! The grant covered the copay. The grant should cover the copay for the rest of the year. The grant is $9000. Psalm 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!

How did I do it? Perseverance, tenacity and our Heavenly Father!
  • I called the manufacturer of the drug. The original maker is Glaxo Smith-Kline in Dublin, Ireland. I contacted them on their facebook page. They responded very quickly referring me to their North Carolina office to find out there was no financial assistance or coupons available for Imuran.
  • I called Walgreen's to obtain the manufacturer of the exact pills in Steve's bottle. They were right here in Roswell, GA. Seleba Pharmacy was so rude, so unconcerned, the customer service agent so made me not want to buy their drugs at all .... but my husband needs them.
  • I tried every Google search term I could think of, forward and backward; financial assistance for Imuran, Imuran coupons, discounts for Imuran, pulmonary fibrosis, etc. without any good results. If I did find a lead for his condition, pulmonary fibrosis, it was the wrong kind of fibrosis. Most assistance was for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and his is not idiopathic. Then, there were the financial hurdles to overcome personally or the programs were maxed out.
  • After MANY hours and days of searching, I prayed and asked Jesus for some help.
  • I don't remember what search phrase lead me to a site that I read and re-read, clicked, clicked and clicked some more until I divinely landed (not stumbled) upon a site that had funds available for pulmonary fibrosis. The application process was painless and you know if you are approved when you hit the submit button. 
  • HealthWell Foundation helps individuals afford the medicine they need! There are qualifications and stipulations but thank God, Steve fell into one of their paying categories! Steve received the grant five days before the medicine was approved. Perfect timing!
  • I was so excited to go to Walgreens for his meds last week only to be disappointed. There is one caveat to using the grant money. The grant covers the copay only meaning insurance has to approve and pay first. The money was appropriated and sitting there but couldn't be used because insurance had not approved the medicine.
  • If I can assist anyone with this process, please contact me. 
One of my favorite verses, Psalm 37:25 is so true. Trust Him and expect your miracle!

I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

squirrel praise

Thanking God for a modern-day miracle,
The Happy Handicap

A Modern-Day Miracle

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Do You Want a Miracle or a Mess?


Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.    - Matthew 7:7-8 KJV

We received terrifying news in March 2012. Steve couldn't breathe well. After  a lung biopsy, the doctor looked us square in the eyes without any compassion and bluntly said "You've got two to five years". Usually, my response would have been something ridiculous like "Two to five years to what? Pay off my car? Make a million dollars? Retire?". But I knew crazy questions were not going to hide the evidence Steve's biopsy revealed; the diagnosis of a deadly form of lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis.

According to the study “Clinical Course and Prediction of Survival in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis,” median survival of patients who suffer from pulmonary fibrosis is 2.5 years, but some patients live much longer than that. The most common cause of death among patients is respiratory failure. 

God blessed me with some tenacity for a reason! Battling a birth defect for 48 years, me and adversity are tight. Close companions. I have to admit hearing the prognosis I was shaken. Remember my words in October about Milisende?  I can never promise an "unstirred" Tammy but I always promise to seek to discover Christ, my rock and salvation. The One who stills my fears during my fiercest Fear Whisperer. I began to ask, seek and knock ferociously concerning Steve's disease once I relocated my Anchor and He steadied my boat upright.

The past five years have been a tremendous journey with many ups and then downs and then ups again. Happiness one day and a nauseating sickness in the depths of my soul the next day. I won't even attempt to detail the entire process but I MUST share with you what happened yesterday which I believe started mid-December 2015.

I'm a member of a facebook group whose members have Antisynthetase Syndrome (which caused his pf) like Steve. I befriended one of the admins, really nice guy who was very willing to discuss Steve's medicines and treatment with me. He shared his journey giving me proven tips and advice. His suggestion that rang a bell with me was to obtain "brand" prescriptions for Steve instead of generic. I had previous experience with taking a brand drug (hormone) that worked for me but the generic did not. In fact, this happened to me twice and currently the medicine I use has to be from a certain manufacturer. The supposedly same medicine in the same strength does not have the same effect. I got Steve the brand medicine!

Fast forward to September 2016. Steve had been taking the brand medicine for eight months. His oxygen saturation tests at his doctor visit in September showed improvement. The improvement was so vast, the doctor asked if he still wanted the oxygen. Steve opted for it because he felt breathless.

Steve's insurance changed in September 2016. I called the oxygen company to notify them of the change. They were unconcerned until January 2017 when our balance grew to over $500 due to the insurance change.  Insurance requires a 6-minute walk test without oxygen and with oxygen to approve the charges. Remember the improvement in Steve's oxygen saturation in September? Yesterday, GOD COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED STEVE AND ME!!!

Steve's oxygen saturation during a 6-minute walk did not go below 88%! 87% is the magic number to get oxygen approved. After the test, the doctor came out and spoke with us. "Good News!" he said. Your test today shows YOU DO NOT NEED OXYGEN! Are you willing to call Apria and ask them to come get their bottles? Steve apprehensively said yes. I said aloud "Praise Jesus!".

We are both still a bit rattled but so very thankful to a God who loves and cares for us. Steve is still disabled. He still has a severe lung disease but my oh my, what progress! What a miracle that I give our Heavenly Father all the glory for. Thank you so much for all your prayers and please don't stop interceding on Steve's behalf. Our God is might to save in every way! Now, we have a new challenge that I know God will provide. The new insurance won't pay for the brand medicine. The cost? $1400 a month. That's like nothing for Jesus! Please join us in praying for a quick solution as he's been taking the generic now for a month. These chemo meds take at least eight months to begin working or not working.

We want miracles! Would the walls of Jericho fell if the people had marched around 6 times or 8 times when God said 7? Would Gideon have been defeated if he had not used the men God made lap like a dog? Did David need more than one stone to kill Goliath? I could go on and on with the victories God provides his children. If we want miracles and not a mess, ask and receive, seek and find, knock and walk through God's open glorious door! 

Seeking miracles,
The Happy Handicap

Do You Want a Miracle or a Mess?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Fear Whisperer


Milisende Isabella Epperson
September 30, 2016
5 lb. 13 oz.

My beautiful second grand girl came to see us twelve short days ago. She's a tiny, perfect masterpiece! Her big sister Lisette loves her so much! We are all so excited God trusts us to care for her. She made me a granmom twice but she ultimately belongs to him. I always think I can't possibly love more deeply and then God shows me I can. This article shares a battle I experienced during the gestation of Milisende.

"Christ-followers contract malaria, bury children, and battle addictions, and, as a result, face fears. It’s not the absence of storms that sets us apart. It’s whom we discover in the storm: an unstirred Christ." - M. Lucado

This quote pretty much sums up my life! Born with a devastating deformity of both feet, I would be lying if I told you I don't fear. I do. Quite a lot. I'm sure my fears don't outnumber yours, mine are just specific to me and yours are specific to you. I feared having a genetic repeat of my deformity when planning for my children. I harbored that same fear with the births of my two granddaughters also. The devil and the doctors caused me to fear with Millisende.

I accompanied Sydnee to her gender reveal appointment. It was a magical day in May as I sat in my car awaiting Syd's arrival at the doctor's office. As usual, I was praying asking God for health and wellness for this baby. I felt confident because my girls and my first granddaughter Lisette are perfect. I finished my prayer thanking God for his many blessings and a voice spoke to me saying "There are worse things than two toes." I said aloud "WHAT?" The speaker said it again. There are worse things than two toes. I was so scared, I couldn't discern who said it. Had God just told me this baby would have problems? I was shaken. Normally, I use God's word to quiet my fears but not today.

After the ultrasound, we needed to buy more pink!  Our happiness was interrupted when the OB doctor informed us of a condition called single umbilical cord (SUC). Millisende had one. Please click the link to read an in-depth explanation. The short version is a "normal" umbilical has one vein and two arteries for food and waste. Milisende's had one vein and one artery which "may" cause complications. Sydnee began to cry. My head was whirling at his words and I wondered if they noticed my heart on the floor. An appointment was made with a high risk doctor (HRDr).

We all tried to be brave. I'd never heard of such a condition, nor had anyone else I told. Thankfully and if I'd thought about it, God knew everything about SUC. I listened to the HRDr as he explained what could go wrong. He contradicted himself, trying to console us, cooing that these things usually never happen. One week the doc would say she is fine. The next week he'd indicate we should be worried. All the while, I had the words "There are worse things than two toes" ringing in my ears, extremely loudly from an undetermined voice. Roller coasters make me puke and I wanted off of this one.

Now y'all are probably thinking why doesn't Tammy know this is the work of the devil? She's overcome so much. She's strong. She believes God. She tries to write to inspire others. I'm sharing my experience with you to hopefully help you from falling into the same snare. The devil knew my weakness and he used it against me. And, I let him. I entertained too many of his thoughts without stopping to inspect what he was saying. My mind was like a house of horrors with clowns laughing in my face and mirror images creating confusion. If I had stopped the tilt-a-whirl, I would have immediately recognized the words were not God's. But I didn't. I wallowed.

I tried to remain positive for my family. I hope they never saw my fear although God knew how I was wrangling with the devil. Never engage the devil. My inferior human hands can't fight the enemy and win. Jesus is victorious, allow his Holy Spirit inside of you, to duke it out with the devil. My deliverance from my fear came early in the morning about two weeks before Milisende was born. I was crying out to God, acknowledging my fearfulness, asking him to help me. My fear whisperer tenderly reminded me "I am not the author of confusion. I do not cause my children to fear." Absolutely! For sure! You are so right Jesus! Joy and confidence flooded my being.  My heart understood his truthful words. And, he didn't have to say it but once! God won't put me on a roller coaster for fun, especially if it makes me sick! So, as Max Lucado said, "It's not the absence of storms that sets us apart. It's whom we discover in the storm: an unstirred Christ."

I can never promise an "unstirred" Tammy but I can always seek to discover Christ, my rock and salvation. The One who stills my fears during my fiercest Fear Whisperer.

Father, tame my fear 365,

The Fear Whisperer

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Walking Dead Reaches Out

Pastor Allan Taylor with Lifeway Christian Resources is a guru on Sunday School. He preached at my church this past Sunday. It was an eye opening depiction of just how important Sunday School is to the church and the believer. I want to share a few of his points that I found very inspiring:
  • Sunday School is for reaching people and teaching people. What? I've never considered Sunday School as the gateway to the church. However, after listening to him, it started to make sense to me that lost people are oftentimes confused or don't understand preaching (unless the Spirit reveals it to them). The Bible is like reading a foreign language and worship might be equated to going to a concert to listen to someone you have no idea what they sing. I wouldn't attend a concert like that, would you? Let's commit to get someone to Sunday School so they can learn about Jesus.
  • Are you on mission? The Great Commission to reach people for Christ. Pastor Taylor asked if we were on mission. I thought about it and wondered, Am I? Then he said, "If you don't have a phone number, email or address of someone you're trying to reach, right now, for Christ, you're out of God's will." OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! Did someone make a voodoo doll of me and start sticking my heart? It feels like it! I pray for people but how often do I call, text, message, email or even visit someone to really REACH them? Answer = not a lot.
  • Births vs. Deaths. Pastor Allan shared with us God's reproductive plan for the earth and his people in Genesis. Plants and animals are to reproduce after their own kind. The trees we see today are not originals to the Garden of Eden, they have survived due to seed and the reproduction of life. Same theory is true for animals and humans. We all know what happens if death rate exceeds birth rate, extinction. Statistically, the church is burying more Christians than we are birthing. Pretty soon at the rate we're experiencing, Christians will be extinct. That, my friends, is an eye-opening, heart-wrenching statement. 
The Walking Dead must have been a crazy episode this week. Everyone on Facebook was talking about it. I don't watch the show. I cannot listen to that raspy breathing sound the zombies make. I can relate to the zombies though. Everyone of us are "The Walking Dead" until we accept Jesus and our souls are born again to new life. Luke 20:38 says For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him. I shutter to think the world might envision a sign like the picture above on our church doors; afraid to come inside because the people trying to grab at them and reach them are dead. The saved look much like the unsaved anymore. On the outside, we may appear alike but on the inside, one thing separates us, the saving grace of Jesus Christ. 
Wanna come to Sunday School,
The Happy Handicap

The Walking Dead Reaches Out

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016

We're a Basket Case

apple basket
Happy Fall Y'all! Good news...this article is not about a basket but I'm glad to be a basket case. Let me explain. This past Sunday, Sloane and I taught Little K at church. Here I am again, in a room full of Pre-K and kindergarten boys! Go figure. :)

I asked the young guys to share a Bible story. Urban raised his hand and said "Noah and the Ark". Good answer! I received some other "stories" some from the Bible and some made-up just to give an answer. Then they asked me for a Bible story. Moses immediately came to my mind. I was surprised that many of them couldn't relate the story of Moses to me. They also seemed perplexed that a child was put into a "basket" and sent down the river alone. I quickly shared the miracle that happened to Moses being raised by his mother and then the Pharaoh's daughter. As I was telling the story, I saw some grown-up things about the Moses story I never noticed before.

We are the same "basket case" as Moses. Moses was born a commoner just like us. He was adopted by a King. We are adopted by the King of Kings! Afterwards, Moses was chosen by God to "free the people". We are chosen to share the gospel so people may be freed by the saving grace of Jesus. Romans 8:15 says "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." The children of Israel were blessed to have a boy from a basket to be their escape from bondage. We are blessed to have a boy born in a manger to be our Savior! Please read the book of Exodus and email me with how the story speaks to you.

Bible stories, as we call them, aren't just for kids anymore...

Woven by Him,
The Happy Handicap

We're a Basket Case

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016

All I Have Needed

What moves you? A big hairy spider that crawls up beside you! That would move me too, but I'm talking about genuinely emotionally being stirred. I'm one of those people who seek to be music, by movies, by relationships. My greatest desire is to be moved by God. Have you ever experienced God moving you to lift your hand in praise? Have you ever testified of his love and power to someone because he moved you to do so? Have you ever listened to the same song for the last ten years and really hear a line in it for the first time when it moves you? I did this very thing this past weekend. I love the song Great is Thy Faithfulness. I was moved by the following lyric.
All I have needed thy hand hath provided. WOW! Just.Wow! I can truthfully say, "All I have ever needed God's hand has provided it to me"! Can you say that of anyone else? My answer is no. Some of the things I've needed a mere human can't provide. God has provided me with great parents, a nice career, a loving husband, fabulous daughters, sweet son-in-laws, grandchildren, house payments, money when I didn't have any, gas for my car, a car, two cars, three cars, awesome church family and the greatest provision of all, calling me into his saving power! He's provided forgiveness when I'm wrong, mercy when I didn't deserve it, grace that is more than sufficient and peace I sometimes don't understand. Take a few minutes and think about what he's provided for you. Does that move you? 
If it does not move you, please ask yourself why? 
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside. Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness, Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed thy hand hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

Thomas Chisholm, who penned the hymn in 1925, explained toward the end of his life, “My income has not been large at any time due to impaired health in the earlier years which has followed me on until now.  Although I must not fail to record here the unfailing faithfulness of a covenant-keeping God and that He has given me many wonderful displays of His providing care, for which I am filled with astonishing gratefulness.”

I believe Thomas Chisholm was moved!

Be moved,
The Happy Handicap

All I Have Needed

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

When Your Kiddos Teach You

me and my kids

Becoming a mother is one of the most special gifts I've ever received. Everything about motherhood is hard. Everything about motherhood is easy. Take one glance at the human you grew, all the ugliness blurs. You become a yellow smiley emoticon with hearts for eyes! When you are gifted a grand, it feels like a fairy God father granted you a wish to "get it right" this time. Practice all the stuff you learned raising your own. The easy overwhelms the hard.

I enjoy my children. Laughing with them. Crying with them. Guiding them. Riding with them, not so much. Traveling with them. Making memories with them. Sharing milestones and successes. Supporting them through trials and defeat. Simply, loving them.

Everyone has special qualities that belong inherently to them; Godly gifts. I learn from these in my daughters. The special way Sydnee is the most patient individual I know. She's the one who don't know how to be mean and it's funny watching her try. She's the one that nurtures creativity in her husband and daughter when I would have never allowed it in the first place. She's the one I prayed hardest for me to accept her non-competitive, easy-going, unstructured style. She taught me how to surrender. Her patience influences me in a powerful way. It makes me proud of her.  Finishing second is winning, because, hello, you finished!

Then there's the special way Sloane is the most diplomatic person I know. She cares about everyone's feelings, even animals! She's the one who won't make anyone mad (unless it's me or her sister). She's the one that worries dogs will freeze to death although Google says it's impossible. She's the one that makes herself sick wringing her hands with a flushed face if she feels she said the wrong thing. She's the one always buying gifts, sending thank you cards and making sure to include everyone or exclude everyone mutually. She taught me how to be considerate. Her people skills continually amaze and humble me. I ;love the way people love Sloane!

Then, there's my grand, Lisette. Everything about her is special. She is honestly the most caring individual I know. She's the one that says "Granmom, you be careful" if I'm doing something that concerns her. She's the one that includes me in her prayers every night. She's the one who makes me tear up when she looks at me with pure innocence.. She's the one I want Jesus to call to when it's time. How she loves me right now is like running water without a cutoff switch. Oh how I want to nurture that love!  I never thought it possible but she has taught me to love more deeply than ever before.. 

To my girls.
Proverbs 31:29 
Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
All my love, Mom

Thankful for my girls 365,

I'd love to hear what your kids have taught you. Share with me in a comment...

When Your Kiddos Teach You

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Friday, July 8, 2016

Free Hugs

beautiful flowers

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 2016. You simply MUST go! The city is magnificent. The people are super nice. The weather is gorgeous. The food is delicious. The flowers are everywhere. I could go on and on. Victoria was one of the best city visits I've ever experienced. God has blessed me to travel to 45 states including Alaska and Hawaii and seven different countries. 

I learn something from every adventure. I learned something extra special on this outing, from this woman...

This lady has been standing on this corner at various times for the past seven years giving free hugs. Sloane spotted her first and said "Let's get a free hug!". I was apprehensive. I can hug. I like to hug but it's not a common practice for me with total strangers. Also, short in stature does not a good hugger make. You can get a little more insight into short hugger thoughts here.  Since I'm always willing to experience something new and different, I hugged her.

She may be the reason my trip to Victoria was so overwhelming? Her hug was the sweetest, most exhilarating, non-invasive hug ever! She cooed to me in a bird-like song as our arms met and embraced thanking me for stopping to hug her telling me "You're such a good hugger" and "Bless you". Uh, no, Free Hug Lady, thank you!  The experience of that hug still lingers in my heart.

Yesterday, God used that experience in a way I didn't see coming. Steve and I were at Emory for his checkup. A young woman in a wheelchair with oxygen was leaving the office when the doctor came out and whispered something to her. A few minutes later, I saw this same lady wiping tears from her face as she and her male companion waited for the elevator. I wondered if the doctor had told her bad news about her health. In the same instance, Godly compassion filled my heart and I began to pray for her lifting her needs to our Heavenly Father.

Can you guess what happened next? That's right. God nudged me to hug her. I gave him all the reasons why I couldn't. She's a stranger. She's black. She don't want no white girl getting in her face. There's eight people waiting in this tiny area for an elevator! My heart started POUNDING! Just as her friend was moving her toward the elevator, I did it! I asked if I could hug her, she nodded and I did it. It wasn't awkward or strange in any way. It felt good to extend the love of the Father to a fellow being. I saw her again in the lab. She looked at me and smiled. Her entire countenance had changed. She seemed more peaceful, more content. 

You may hug strangers all the time, but I usually don't. God showed me that to experience him, you must seek that which is alive. I loved the beautiful scenery in Victoria. The flowers are alive now but will soon die. People are alive now but will soon die but their souls are alive forever.  I Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. God's love is alive! Share the love whenever and wherever you get the opportunity... especially to strangers.

Sharing the love,
The Happy Handicap

Feel free to leave a comment with hugging tips or experiences.

Free Hugs

Friday, July 8, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

One Thing God and Donald Trump Do Alike

Have you seen The Apprentice? Donald Trump is the star of the show. He is looking for a good worker. He always finds that one person who completes their given tasks well, after he's sifted through the rest of the crowd. When you don't do your job well, Donald Trump pronounces "You're Fired!".

Now you may be thinking God never fires anyone. I agree, partly. God never fires anyone who has truly accepted his free gift of forgiveness. However, the Bible says in Luke 13:23-24 Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

That is a pretty intense scripture. I audibly heard God say the other day "People should quit trying to do my job and do the job I called them to do." How can you and I know we are doing our job correctly? 
  1. Realize we can't save ourselves or anyone else. Ephesians 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God...
  2. Remain humble in well doing. Ephesians 2:9 Not of works, lest any man boast. 
  3. Judge ourselves, not others. I Corinthians 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. 
  4. Stay on task. Luke 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
  5. Be his workmanship. Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
How do we work and be his workmanship? We become what Christ is. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."

In The Apprentice, Trump tells the eager workers what not to do. God tells us what not to do also. Galatians 5:19-21 instructs us "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

God and Donald Trump use different words but the meanings are the same. Be sure you are serving your fellow man from the goodness of your redeemed soul. If you're of Christ, let your work be from Christ! If not, you may find yourself like the folks in Luke 13:27 who tried to tell their Master what they had done for him. His answer was this: But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. In other words, You're Fired!

God always, Trump 2016
The Happy Handicap

One Thing God and Donald Trump Do Alike

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

It's Not Polite to Stare

Looking and limping,
The Happy Handicap

It's Not Polite to Stare

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wanna Trade Seats?


I saw this truth on a church sign in Florida yesterday. For years, folks used bumper stickers to communicate the thought "God is my copilot". In all sincerity, this is the correct thought "God is my pilot". Any idea how things have gotten turned upside down in our country? We must allow God to be the driver in our life, not a passenger along for the ride.

Job 5:6-8 - 
Although affliction cometh not forth of the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground. Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks FLY upward. I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause:....

Life is like an airplane ride.
1. You take off. / I equate this to spiritual morality and understanding you're a sinner.
2. Reach the perfect flying altitude. / Spiritually when you accept Christ.
3. Land safely when your journey is over. / Enter into perfect rest in heaven.

The "flight" is your life journey. Some flights are long, some are short. Your flight may be turbulent and even smooth at times. If the cabin loses pressure, you'll need oxygen to survive. Just like when you sin against God, you need forgiveness to survive! During your flight, you have no control other than to trust your pilot. This example shows how we should trust Jesus, completely, relinquishing our life to him.

"We are now boarding rows 17-34."  "Boarding all rows all seats." You have an assigned seat. Be sure you're in it!

Only a co-pilot,
The Happy Handicap

Wanna Trade Seats?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Monday, March 28, 2016

Religious Liberties or Snobbery?

religious liberties

On March 8, 2016, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board (GBMB) issued a public affairs alert stating "Georgia Religious Liberty is "Being Held in the Balance". There is much controversy surrounding Georgia House Bill 757 addressing this issue. The biggest disagreement seems to be the potential discrimination of the GLBT community by a person's religious beliefs. Should a business owner be allowed, by the State of Georgia, to withhold services to homosexuals based upon their own religious conviction without fear of legal recourse?

"Being different", born with a disability, I understand the feeling of simply desiring to be accepted. My challenge is a mutated DNA problem and so may be some of the GLBT community. The Bible states homosexuality is sin right alongside divorce, fornication, babies out of wedlock, drunkenness, jealousy, stealing, murder, cursing and many of the abominable acts that are rampant in our current culture. I'm glad Jesus overcomes ALL and gives us victorious life over sin!

Can you imagine a society where you have to answer a questionnaire before being served? Have you ever been divorced or committed adultery? Have you ever cheated on a test? Are you illegitimate? What is your sexual preference? If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, according to the laws of the State of Georgia, we choose not to serve you at this establishment. Ridiculous, yes? But, I'm afraid the sexual preference question is included in GA HB757 as reported by the AJC. I wonder how Christian Business Owners intend to make the determination and differentiation? Will it be all GLBT or just same sex couples?

I agree with Governor Deal's comment about his religious faith:

 “What the New Testament teaches us is that Jesus reached out to those who were considered the outcasts, the ones that did not conform to the religious societies’ view of the world. … We do not have a belief, in my way of looking at religion, that says we have to discriminate against anybody,” he said. “If you were to apply those standards to the teaching of Jesus, I don’t think they fit.”

Jesus showed his love, forgiveness and acceptance of humanity by dying on the cross as the only worthy sacrifice for human sin. He also practiced many non-discriminatory acts including taking water from the woman at the well (John 4) and eating dinner with Zacchaeus (Luke 19). Jesus dining at the house of the sinful tax collector got people talking. Luke 19:7 "And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, That he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner."

The following phrase from the GBMB alert particularly snagged my attention. The plea to Christians was the next to last sentence on the bulletin:

 Remember: Be respectful and polite when contacting your elected officials.

The request reminded me of the TV show Hill Street Blues. After the police chief gave daily instructions to his unit, he always started their shift with the endearing words "Be careful out there". Having to ask Christians to be polite is akin to God needing to instruct Jesus "Be kind out there."

Update: According to the AJC Governor Deal vetoed HB757 today, Monday, March 28, 2016.

Religious Liberties or Snobbery?

Monday, March 28, 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016

He Appeared First to Mary

And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.  And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?  

And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great. And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.  And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.
But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.  And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.
Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. Mark 16:2-9

...of whom he had cast seven devils. We may not have seven devils but we certainly have one per each of us....unless....he has appeared to you and you allowed him to cast it out!
He is risen.
Have you met

Joyfully we adore thee,
The Happy Handicap

He Appeared First to Mary

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016

My Nose is Offended

The groundhog didn't see his shadow. Spring is emerging. The grass is green with an unmistakable aroma. The hardwoods are sprouting leaves. The dandelion flowers in the yard are vividly yellow. My soul sings of spring but my nose is offended! I got a terrible sinus infection last week. I still can't breathe well and I lost my voice. 

You'll learn a little more about me after reading this newsletter. My brain makes some strange connections.  You may be wondering how I'm going to connect an allergy with Jesus. The connection is made by awesome God-designed brain synapses. I could star in the movie "Brains Gone Wild!".

Steve and I are at Emory for two appointments today (prayers appreciated). I always talk to the doctor because I don't think Steve can speak as well as me. Seriously, Steve talks but I monitor him almost constantly, remember things he forgets and can tell you more about him than he can himself. I worried I wouldn't regain my voice before his appointment.

A synapse or maybe two connected me not being able to speak for Steve with Jesus. I imagined every human bowed at the feet of God unable to speak, no voice at all. Who will speak for me I wondered? Then, the most beautiful blessing filled by being when I realized this is exactly how it will be when I see God. I won't be doing the talking. Jesus will be speaking for me. His blood speaks for my life. No voice needed. Afterward, we will need voices to praise Christ for eternity! Isaiah 38:18-19 "For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth."

Repeat Isaiah 38:19 The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth. The second thought I pondered after losing my voice is simple. Do I praise him and share the gospel enough that if I were silent, would God miss my praises? Would people miss my spoken faith? Would they notice I had not shared God lately? Would they notice my voice is gone and more specifically my voice for God dried up? We can speak well and still not have a voice for God. It is definitely something to give some consideration. I have.

See, I told you my brain makes some far out connections. I'm just so thankful that much of my ramblings lead back to Jesus, even allergic thoughts. An allergy is an immune response from our body when we become hypersensitive to a substance. I definitely don't want to become allergic to God but I'm sure he enjoys a little bit of "reaction" from us every now and again!

Recovering my voice,
The Happy Handicap

My Nose is Offended

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Run Don't Walk to Heaven

family love
You may recognize the young lady in the top right of this picture. She is Shaan Hawkins. I introduced you to her courageously successful battle with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Pictured from left to right is Shaan's aunt Susan Padgett, her grandmother Eldis Smith, Shaan and Shaan's mom Shena Dodd. The picture was taken in the hospital shortly after this precious Grandmother was diagnosed with bone cancer. Eldis elected to forego treatment. She was released this past Monday with Hospice care in her home.

Eldis is no ordinary woman. She's a mom, grandmother, friend, sister, wife, encourager, songwriter, piano player, drama director, fun-loving gift from God. She survived a double mastectomy from breast cancer, surgery for a brain aneurysm, widowed after 50+ years, raised seven kids (three of them adopted) and I won't attempt the number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, there are many! In short, there are many, many people who love this lady, including me. She's been one of my spiritual supports for Godly growth and a mentor to me about love; God's love.  I've seen her many times like John the Revelator "caught up" in God's love repeating the same phrase over and over "God is love, God is love!" 

I left the Independent Baptist Church I grew up in after worshipping there with Eldis and her family for 42 years. I joined First Baptist Chatsworth with my family, incidentally or not, the same church where Eldis grew up. I am thankful for my years at Mt. View Baptist. My move left some people scratching their heads wondering why I made such a drastic change from an uber-conservative church to Southern Baptist (also conservative).

The answer is simple. Whether it was self-inflicted or a very present demonstration, I grew up with an "unhealthy" fear of God. Watching Eldis, I grew to realize God is not "out to get me" for something I did or didn't do (not going to church on Wednesday night). He gave his only son, Jesus, so I might have life more abundantly. If I accept his sacrifice, apply it to my life and live for and through him, he is faithful and just to forgive my sin. Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. I've learned fear is respect and acknowledgment, reasoning together, not shrinking in the corner or coming to church because you fear what God will do to you if you don't. I interpret Godly fear similar to the way God wishes us to respect our parents, after all, he is our Father. 

First Baptist Chatsworth has fostered the Eldis creed in me. When I walk thru the lovingly comfortable double doors I can feel the spirit of a younger Eldis chanting to me "God is love, God is love!" I am forever grateful to this extraordinary woman that held to her belief when others didn't fully understand. The basis of Eldis' faith is Jesus Christ and his love for her, mine is too. We will never outlove him.  

As I watched this sweet family gathered around her hospital bed, laughing until they lost their breath, I marveled. Their faith impresses, to say the least. I only hope to possess this attitude when it's time to surrender my parents to their Heavenly Father. After a laughing frenzy, when Eldis regained her composure, she looked at me and said, "Tammy, I've always thought that God wants us to run to him happy when it's time instead of him having to drag us by the hair of the head saying (in the gruffest voice she could muster) "I SAID COME ON!""

As always Eldis, I think you're right!

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

***I had to edit this post to include a fond memory. Eldis was the first and last person to serve me ground beef gravy for breakfast. She subs ground beef for sausage in her gravy. Her family loves it!  I had never heard of ground beef gravy let alone tasted it!. Eldis says, "You have to get creative when raising seven kids on a budget!" I didn't like it 35 years ago and still don't but I'm sure it's still a staple at the Smith house! 

Love me some Eldis,
The Happy Handicap

Run Don't Walk to Heaven

Thursday, February 18, 2016