Posts with the label diet
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Giving Back: How to Practice Self-Care as a Caregiver

I don't personally know Jason Lewis, the author of this guest post, but he astounded me with his intuitiveness. Thank you Jason, this article is personally touching. I cared for my husband during his double lung transplant on October 7, 2020. Lung transplant was/is an incredibly difficult yet amazingly miraculous journey. Today, we enjoy 17 months post transplant. My husband, Steve, is doing well. I'm still learning to care for myself...

Caregivers are extraordinary


Self-care is important, but even more so when you’re caring for someone else. The Family Caregiver Alliance refers to research showing that 40-70% of those who do so in the US exhibit clinically significant signs of depression. The process of providing care often takes a huge toll and you’ll need to take action if you want to keep in good health. Tammy365 shares some tips on how to look after yourself, whilst looking after others.

It’s crucial, even after a long day at work, to push through the exhaustion barrier and get out to do some exercise. The mental health benefits of exercise are innumerable, but beyond the improved confidence, decreased stress hormones and distraction from stressors, exercise will also help to provide you with the long-term energy you need to cope with day-to-day caregiving grievances. Even a short jog can be enough to break a negative cycle and release some of those ever-important endorphins.


If you can partner a positive exercise regime with a nutritious diet, you’ll be well on your way towards a healthier work/life balance. Changing your diet is often less complicated than you might think - a good first step is to wean yourself off junk foods high in salt, carbs, and trans/saturated fats. You can do this using replacement methods - by trading sugary foods or fruit and healthy alternatives and gradually lowering its demands.

Social Life

Like anything else, it takes time and effort to maintain a healthy social life. Although it can be difficult to find that time away from work, diverting your attention to spend with friends and family is crucial if you want to stay emotionally stable as a caregiver. The main key for unlocking a fulfilled social life is to organize and plan ahead - make sure you’re using apps and calendars to write down any plans and try to agree on dates well ahead of time to ensure that everyone can make it.


The importance of music as a tool in battling stress, anxiety, and depression is too often overlooked. Studies cited on Pulse TMS show that music therapy leads to reduced muscle tension, increased self-esteem, and self-expression. Live music has even been linked to the release of oxytocin (the love or trust neurotransmitter). If the stresses of caregiving feel overwhelming, try finding some music that complements your mood and spending an hour just listening.


The arts have long been an outlet for those who are troubled by mental maladies. If the weight of caregiving feels too heavy, try off-loading some of it via painting, sculpture, or physical crafts. Art and colors are shown to improve mood and, oftentimes, provide a more pleasurable way to explore and confront internal issues.

Time Management

It’s difficult to engage with any of the above if you haven’t got the time to do so. That’s why it’s important to bring in help to free up some of your own time. Some services will help you to keep things orderly in your life as you’re dedicating your time to others’ - for example, lawn care maintenance tends to cost between $30 to $80 (although this can go up if irrigation, fertilizing, pruning and hardscaping are included) but can save you hours on the weekend for you to spend on yourself. If in doubt, just Google: lawn care companies near me.

The value of caregivers is incalculable. By sacrificing your own time, you’re making the time of the receiver and people around them far more enjoyable. Just remember that if you’re not in a good mental or physical state, your ability to help others will always be impeded.


The Tammy365 blog shares faith, recipes, humor, and encouragement. Reach out to Tammy today!

Giving Back: How to Practice Self-Care as a Caregiver

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Saturday, January 19, 2019

It's Not the Brownies Fault

Ladies and I started a new journey the first week of this new year. We join together each week to share victories and sometimes defeats reading a 40-day devotional book "Eating with the King".  The objective is to allow God's Holy Spirit to guide and control our eating.  It's not the brownies fault!

The first thing that jumped out at me from the book is "Food is not our foe". Ok. That's right. I can get on-board with that. It's the way I treat food that makes me overweight. I've got this. Me and Jesus are buds and he's gonna help me get skinny! Fast-forward to Day Six entitled "What Kind of Sorry Are We?" Since reading this small yet powerful devotion, I've been like Eeyore.
Yes, this has been me this week!
What toppled my world so dramatically? This simple little sentence from the book. I don't ever remember a time that I would have chosen water over a good ole glass of sweet tea--the sweeter the better, or a classic Coca-Cola. Then the next powerful sentence read...I heard once, a way to recognize if something was an idol in your life was to ask yourself this question. "Can I give it up?" Could I? I don't want to! When I think about food, I always daydream about the drink. I have certain sugary beverages I drink with every meal. Let me paint the picture completely. I WON'T eat the meal without I have my drink of choice! I CANNOT eat a hamburger and fries without a Coke or Diet Coke. Sunday Dinner without tea? I don't think so.

Here's another kicker for me. I rarely ever get thirsty. So this person writing this book is telling me to drink water (which I don't like) and not drink any tea or Coke because I idolize them? The nerve! Turned the page in the book and with one verse of scripture, the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sugary drink idolatry. Oh! Ouch! So painful. So insightful. So annoying. So Sweet Jesus please forgive me.

I've done fairly well since Monday. I'm beginning Day 5 with water as my main drink of choice. I've had one glass of Sweet n Low-laden tea and one glass of sweet tea and zero soft drinks. I passed a Coke truck yesterday and turned my head to avoid the seductive ice cold glass of Coke on the side of the truck with fabulous fizzy bubbles rising from the ice. I tried not to notice the beads of water on the outside of the glass reminding me of a beautiful hot sunny day with a refreshing ice cold Coke! Is there anything better?

Yes. There is something better than Coke! If I find myself dreaming of Coke or tea, conjuring up the flavors in my mind, desiring to go fill a glass with a Coke and a smile, I ask God to inscribe his powerful Word on the tables of my heart so that I may never forget:

Whosoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. John 4:14

Be watered and well 365,

It's Not the Brownies Fault

Saturday, January 19, 2019