Posts with the label clean
Showing posts with label clean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clean. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Faith and Soap

I love soap! The fresh natural kind with a soft fragrance and rich lather. The abundance of suds make me feel extra clean. I’ve been told I’m all about some feels.

We use soap every day! Bathing. Washing our hands. Doing the dishes. Laundry. Cleaning the house. I use a tea tree bar soap as astringent for my face to prevent breakouts. Spearmint for my body to awaken my senses. Lavender to soothe aches and pains. I can find a natural soap for just about everything that ails me. Sloane gifted me these local soaps from Union Springs Soap for Christmas.
Showering this morning, Jesus began to show me himself in the details of soap. He’s a balm that soothes every need (Jeremiah 46:11). He cleanses us daily if we ask him (1 John 1:9). His fragrance is sweet (2 Corinthians 2:15).
Jesus is the S.O.A.P (Savior Of All People)!


Faith and Soap

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Friday, December 8, 2017

I Love the Feeling

Oh goodness! It's been two months since I've posted to my blog. I sure have missed it and you. Sometimes God sits me down and wants to talk to me. I need to listen for me. That's where I've been. Not really having much to share just trying my best to soak up what I needed to make it through the last three months. So much going on with my family, good and different, but always looking to God for steadfastness and strength. It has been a while but I received a thought a couple of weeks ago that I feel should be shared! So here goes....

Of all things, I was mopping my kitchen floor. I HATE to mop. I sweat like a hog wallowing in the sunshine! I need to shower after I mop. I take several rest periods during one kitchen mop session! I use one of those Spin 360 mops or I'd never get finished.  Now, I LOVE the clean! I could sit for hours admiring the shiny white tile a good mopping leaves behind. The clean smell is an aroma pleasing to my nose. I always hope I have company so they can see the rewards of my labor. 

I love the feeling but I loathe the fuss. Do you know what I mean? I have to prod myself for days to mop. I spot clean. I ignore the dirt. I tell myself the floor won't stay clean but nothing satisfies me but to mop that dirty floor. The floor is dirty again within a few days but the clean feeling lingers. Clean feels so good!

You know where I'm taking this. God showed me something during my latest mop session. Psalm 51:10 says Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. I get dirty just like floors, repeatedly. I allow sin to creep into my life. I feel dirty, removed from the good clean feeling when there's nothing between me and my Savior. I know I need a good cleaning (repentance), but I loathe the fuss that gets me the feeling. I'll have to admit I'm wrong. I'll have to break down some pride. For heaven's sake, I'll have to get on my knees and Lord, you know, they hurt. I'll have to be sincere, really? I'll have to be sorry for my faults. I'll have to ask for forgiveness. I may have to apologize to somebody. What?

After I've done all that fussing with a few rest periods in the middle because you know I'm human and all that sounds like superhuman stuff, here comes the feeling. Do you know the feeling? My clean heart begins to sing Indescribable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

My right spirit is renewed. There's not another feeling like it in the whole wide world! In my entire life, I have never found anything comparable to Jesus. Have you?

No. I don't mop more often than usual, nor do any of the other chores I hate. I do view my spiritual housecleaning differently. God will surely allow me to ignore the dirt and spot clean to try to make myself feel better. Won't work. Instead of thinking "I love the feeling but I loathe the fuss", my new motto is:
Jesus loves me but loathes my mess,
Oh how I love the feeling when I confess!

Feeling clean 365,

I Love the Feeling

Friday, December 8, 2017

Friday, August 26, 2016

Gross but Good

grumpy cat
photo credit: Grumpy Cat
I am warning you. You may find the details gross but the message is good. Lisette, my almost three-year-old granddaughter hasn't felt well this week. She's been kinda draggy, just not herself. We checked for a fever. We monitored her cough. We ignored her misbehavior because we knew she felt bad. Still, we couldn't put our fingers on anything specific.

Rewind to yesterday about 5:30 pm. "Sette", as she calls herself, climbed up in my lap as I sat in my rocking chair and went to sleep. Two things unusual about that. She never wants me to rock her anymore and she would rather avoid a nap than take one. Lying her in the bed, I decided she was tired from not feeling well. She woke up like a grumpy cat a few hours later.

Earlier that day, she'd draped a towel across her head asking "Do I look silly with this hoodie on my head?" I said "No! You look like Mary, Mother of Jesus!" Her large imagination liked this idea immediately pretending I was Jesus and she was Mary. After waking from her nap, she once again donned her "hoodie" pretending to be Mary. She came to sit in Jesus's lap still sitting in his rocking chair.

We were playing when she said "Jesus, my stomach is hurting. Will you rub it?" I gently laid her back to rub. Throw up spewed from that sweet baby's mouth by the gallon. I quickly picked her up so she didn't strangle while her mom grabbed a bag because she continued to vomit. I had foul-smelling chunks from my neck to my knees. Literally covered in throw up! After Sydnee took her to the bathroom, I sat motionless.

I HATE vomit! I'm one of those people who just can't deal with it. I couldn't even clean up my kids when they did it. Thankfully, their Dad did! I'm thinking to myself, don't gag or you're gonna be covered in two human's stomach matter. I tried to stand but my lap was full. I felt the stuff oozing everywhere (even into my prostheses) when I moved so I sat still until my husband brought me a towel. I inched my way to another bathroom. Luckily, the chunks stuck to me like glue. The floor was safe. Carefully, I raised the neck of my t-shirt over my head, removed it, my shorts, my underwear and naked I went out into the dark world to scrape the chunks from my clothes to get them into the washer. Then, I showered.

During the episode, I prayed for Lisette. I sat there with her vomit all over me thinking about her. God showed me something beautiful through the grossness. We vomit on God. We sin against him and it is ugly. It stinks. It fills his nostrils with stench. He sees it, smells it, feels it but his Excellency is only thinking about us. How much he loves us. How much he wants to forgive us. How much he desires a right relationship with us through his son, Jesus. I am so thankful that when we've covered God's lap with our filth, he's still mighty to save. Still forgiving, merciful, kind, patient and loving. He's the Dad that cleans his children!
I thought this was so cute and funny....

While Lisette was playing Mary, she asked if I (Jesus) wanted to go into another room to play. I said sure I do. She took my hand excitedly saying,
"Come on Jesus, there's plenty of room in the den!"

Feeling clean,
The Happy Handicap

I welcome all comments.

Gross but Good

Friday, August 26, 2016