Posts with the label Andrew
Showing posts with label Andrew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Faith like Andrew


Five loaves of bread and two fishes is a well-known miracle of the Bible. Jesus fed a multitude with five loaves and two fishes. This miracle is relatable. If you've ever fed a crowd, you know how much food is required. Honestly, couldn't two people eat five small loaves of bread and two fishes? So, we get the picture of just  how huge a miracle it was to feed more than 5000 people with a meager amount. You know I'm all about faith. I want to look at faith like Andrew in this story.

Most of Jesus' disciples spoke out negatively about the plan to feed 5000. They were sure they didn't have the money to do it. They didn't see any available food. But there was Andrew, the believing disciple. The faithful disciple. Andrew told Jesus he saw a young boy in the crowd carrying five loaves and two fishes. Jesus said "Bring him to me."  

I want faith like Andrew. The other disciples were overtaken by unbelief. Andrew was hopeful. He stepped up to exercise his faith in Jesus. The other disciples thought the task was too monumental for Jesus to perform. It is no mistake Andrew was the disciple who saw the young boy with the food in the crowd. God knew Andrew was the one who would assist Jesus with this miracle. God needed someone who would use the resources at hand to get the job done. If it weren't for faith like Andrew's, everyone would be hungry and noone would have witnessed a miracle!

I also want to be like the young boy who freely gave Jesus his five loaves and two fishes. He gave all he had to Jesus. Imagine how the scene might have played out differently if Andrew had spotted an adult with five loaves and two fishes. I'm suspecting talking an adult out of dinner may have proved very difficult. The Bible tells us we must come as a child to Jesus. This story is the perfect example of how children (the boy) respond to Jesus versus how adults (his disciples) respond to Jesus. The lesson we also see is the boy gave a little and received a lot. 

How can we apply this to every day life? 
  • Believe God can do what his Word says
  • Exercise our Faith by stepping up and out
  • Give when prompted by Jesus
Have you ever hosted a dinner where more guests came than expected? I have gotten very nervous I wouldn't have enough food for everyone. My faith reminded me of this miracle. I used the framework of this miracle to ask God to help me feed my guests. He increased food and decreased appetites. Jesus wants to be in the details of our every day lives. He does the work. Our job is to have faith like Andrew to believe he can.


Faith like Andrew

Wednesday, April 20, 2022